November 2018 Bluzelle Testnet Update

Neeraj Murarka
The Blueprint by Bluzelle
2 min readNov 26, 2018

I have the pleasure of announcing a significant update to the Bluzelle testnet.

The Bluzelle team has successfully updated the testnet with some of the latest features that our team has developed, as we drive forward on the road towards Bernoulli.

While this blog is not about the official Bernoulli release (which is being delivered at the end of December, 2018), it is nonetheless a testament to the important agile process Bluzelle strictly follows. Our agile development process enables transparency, by giving the community a regular ability to see and use updates of the product.

Our agile approach contrasts with the traditional “waterfall” model, where a product is under development in a silo for months or even years, and is then revealed, only to find issues and feedback that would have been much more useful, earlier on in the development process. Bluzelle strives to keep the development process agile and responsive to feedback and results. These come about from putting out interim public releases such as this one.

Our new release of the network includes the following:

  • A robust persistence engine that uses RocksDB to store data to local secondary storage devices, for each node participating in the Bluzelle network.
  • Publish/subscribe (pub/sub) support functionality. You can now use this functionality in the current Bluzelle testnet.
  • New peers joining the network are now cryptographically verified prior to being allowed to join the network and participate in consensus. This is another key feature requirement as we harden the consensus algorithm and roll in PBFT. Note that this release is still using RAFT.

In general, a long list of bugs and performance improvements were made and rolled into this update. These bugs were found by both the Bluzelle team, as well as the public, and for this, we greatly appreciate all the help coming from the community. Bluzelle’s team is always on top of bug reports, and strives to resolve them as quickly as possible, while keeping feature development on pace.

Thank you for trying the new Bluzelle testnet. Please look for my November month’s end development update next week.

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