Secrets of the Future Sellers

Patience in a world of instant gratification, AI and the ethics of exponential technologies, and Daniel Pink on humanity and the art of modern selling

Blueprint Staff
3 min readDec 2, 2016


BLUEPRINT // the future of work // ISSUE #14 DECEMBER 2nd, 2016


To work is human. To kick back after a long week? Divine. Happy Friday!

This week, our ever-feisty rosie yakob digs into Daniel Pink’s new book, To Sell is Human. Like it or not, we spend nearly 40 percent of our time in ‘non-sales selling’ activities (i.e. persuasion not involving a direct purchase). Yakob offers three hot-Pink tips to bring more humanity into your pitch.

Feeling antsy? A 2016 study found that 96% of Americans “knowingly consume hot food or beverages that burn their mouths.” In a world of instant gratification, rosie yakob explains why patience is increasingly rare — and precious — workplace commodity.

Finally, futurist Gerd Leonhard tells Lisa Gill that, in a world of exponential innovation, we need to “put walls around the things we don’t want to become technology, that must remain human,” Leonhard says — before it’s too late.

Looking forward,

Dept. of Future Possibilities

What we’re reading

Silicon Valley’s biggest failing? — Om Malik calls out the Valley’s “distinct lack of empathy.” “As technology finds its way into our daily existence in new and previously unimagined ways,” writes Malik, “we need to learn about those who are threatened by it.”

Why do we keeping putting narcissists in charge? — We need to get over our collective crush on narcissists and other “archaic prehistorical archetypes,” writes Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic in the Harvard Business Review. “Less narcissistic leaders can be expected to outperform their more narcissistic peers,” he argues.

Dept. of New Tools

New software we’re excited about

Workramp — employee training platform with real-time analytics.

Dept. of Who to Follow on Twitter

Future of work thought leaders, irascible know-it-alls, and friends

Dept. of Future Graphs

What we’re sharing

The gender pay gap across industries according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Dept. of Goodbyes

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Blueprint Staff

Blueprint is where the workplace of the future is realized.