Stupid Is as Stupid Hires

Why incentivizing obedience incentivizes mediocrity; how to stop terrifying employees and provide useful feedback instead; and the connection between diversity and revenues

Blueprint Staff


4 min readOct 21, 2016


BLUEPRINT // the future of work // ISSUE #9 OCTOBER 21st, 2016

“Should I Work for Free?” by Jessica Hische


It’s Friday, folks. May all our weekends exceed expectations.

But first, news from the Department of Needs Improvement.

Lisa Gill investigates why employee feedback sessions so often devolve into counterproductive fear fests. Then she tells us how to liberate potential instead of stomping on it. Wonderful advice, especially if you’ve been concerned about your company culture.

Speaking of employees: Why hire the best and brightest, if you’re only going to award obedience and presentism? Itinerant columnist Faris explains how talent is swallowed up by the “collective stupidity” of corporate hierarchies — and what you can do to stop it.

And Peter Moskowitz (author of the forthcoming How to Kill a City) examines diversity in high tech — or the lack thereof. “Always be shipping” is a fine mantra, says, Moskowitz, but tech needs to add this corollary: “Always be diversifying.”

Looking forward,

Dept. of Future Possibilities

What we’re reading

Forbes talked to Glassdoor’s CEO Robert Hohman, who makes the case for a causal relationship between employee satisfaction and a company’s financial performance. “There is no excuse not to take company culture seriously because it will create shareholder value.”

How Trumpism Threatens Silicon Valley. “If — as Silicon Valley hopes — [the deployment of new tech] first invigorates urban communities across the country, improving mobility, health, and access to jobs, how will white working class and rural communities respond?” An important read from Khan Shoieb at Backchannel.

The 50 most powerful questions leaders can ask. “Conversations are not competitions to be won” is a wonderful piece of advice.

Dept. of New Tools

New software we’re excited about—AI for your email that surfaces the most important messages, tracks conversations, and provides relationship insight.

Dept. of Who to Follow on Twitter

Future of work thought leaders, irascible know-it-alls, and friends

  • Tara Talbot — VP of HR at Workopolis, speaker, heads up recruitment strategy for Canada’s biggest career site.
  • Lou Adler — Founder of The Adler Group, pioneer of performance-based hiring and author of “Hire With Your Head.”
  • Laurie Ruettimann — Writer, speaker, HR authority and founder of @GlitchPath.

Dept. of Future Graphs

What we’re sharing

“Analysis of the nine categories provides input into strategic planning for Market Leaders and Fast Followers.”

Dept. of Goodbyes

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Blueprint Staff

Blueprint is where the workplace of the future is realized.