The (Algorithm’s) Kids Are Alright

Teaching budding young architects to build with Minecraft, how a “crisis of abundance” will affect the way we work, and a new app to track all your SaaS subscriptions

Blueprint Staff


4 min readSep 16, 2016


BLUEPRINT // the future of work // ISSUE #5 SEPTEMBER 16, 2016

Ominous GIF by Bad Codec


Welcome to Friday — the end of the work week and, for the downtime-challenged, the beginning of the work weekend. Not a healthy way to live, friend. We suggest reading Live Asynchronously, an excellent article from Quincy Larson over at Free Code Camp. It’ll change your POV on being plugged in 24/7.

This week, Uber launched their first self-driving taxis in Pittsburgh. Frankly, the spinning LIDARs on the cars’ roofs look like demonically-possessed blenders. Undaunted, WIRED went for a ride. And over in Blueprint, Ian Frisch asked a related question: So, Do Self-Driving Cars Mean We’ll Work During Our Commutes?

With that said, have a safe self-driven commute home, and a wonderfully unplugged weekend!

Looking Forward,

Dept. of Future Possibilities

What we’re reading

The must-have skill of the future is “computational thinking”. That, according to scientist Stephen Wolfram, who argues that the future belongs to people who can “formulate things with enough clarity, and in a systematic enough way, that one can tell a computer how to do them.” The key now: educating the children. Includes some fascinating insights into Wolfram’s teaching methods. An incredible long read for the weekend (you’re turning off your notifications, remember?).

We have a “crisis of abundance”. So says Economist columnist Ryan Avent, whose new book, The Wealth of Humans, is about how technology is changing the nature of work. Avent’s basic point: Machine learning → abundance of labor → societal negotiation of what to do with extra workers. A fascinating interview. We’re looking forward to reading the book.

The Robots Are Coming for Wall Street. That’s the lesson in this excellent piece from The New York Times about the end of financial analysts. And BTW: the robots are coming for dairy farms, too.

Dept. of New Tools

New software we’re excited about

Cardlife: All your business (SaaS) subscriptions in one place.


Dept. of Who to Follow on Twitter

Future of work thought leaders we’re keen on this week

  • Belinda Parmar: CEO of the Empathy Business. Author and activist in the expansion of women’s involvement in tech.
  • Justin Hendrix: Executive Director of the NYC Media Lab.
  • Dion Hinchcliffe: Chief Strategy Officer, 7Summits, driving change with emerging digital methods.

Dept. of Future Graphs

What we’re sharing

Machine Learning is the new black.

Dept. of Goodbyes

Toodles, you. As always, be a dear and follow Blueprint on twitter. We’re more fun than free cupcakes at the office, and less fattening.

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Blueprint is where the workplace of the future is realized. We cover the changing nature of work, and present points of view on how work gets done. Blueprint is powered by Box, the modern content management platform.



Blueprint Staff

Blueprint is where the workplace of the future is realized.