The Collaboration Chromosome

Why the future of work is more gender inclusive, how Warby Parker’s staffers set the company’s direction, and a shiny new app for soliciting feedback

Blueprint Staff
4 min readSep 30, 2016


BLUEPRINT // the future of work // ISSUE #7 SEPTEMBER 30th, 2016

The Forgotten Female Programmers Who Created Modern Tech


Happy Friday! It’s been a bustling week in the Blueprint newsroom!

On the occasion of the Clinton-Trump debate, our UK correspondent Lisa Gill asked if it’s better to be loved or feared — and what the answer means for your management style at work. “In politics,” she writes, “the fact that we first judge people on warmth and competence strongly influences who we ultimately decide to vote for. In business, our inclination to judge on these two traits influences who we hire and who we promote. And, it influences our emotional and behavioral reactions to leaders and colleagues.” Read on to learn how to project more warmth in the workplace.

Meanwhile, columnist rosie yakob talks about how Warby Parker is allowing staffers to set the company’s direction via a process called Warbles. And Faris proffers advice on how to place bets on the future.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Looking forward,

Dept. of Future Possibilities

What we’re reading

Women should use their initials online to hide their gender, read an ill-considered column in the Wall Street Journal this week. That’s a “profoundly flawed” suggestion, retorted Anil Dash, arguing that you shouldn’t offer advice to an underrepresented group if the advice is so obvious the target group would’ve already considered it. The future of work is an inclusive one.

Google, Facebook, IBM, Microsoft, and Amazon formed a historic partnership on artificial intelligence, according to reports. Is this an important first step in preventing “the immediate end of all life on Earth”, as Tim Urban puts it? Or the info age equivalent of a bunch of white dudes framing the Constitution? As IBM would say, you make the call!

An Israeli startup says its new security software could’ve prevented the Tesla hack, according to ComputerWorld. The software updates in real-time if it notices non-compliant code.

Dept. of New Tools

New software we’re excited about

Wantoo — a feedback management app to help you listen to, analyze, and act on feedback from your team.

“a system that standardizes inputs so they can be sorted, scanned, managed, and prioritized in the same way as items on a to-do list.”

Dept. of Who to Follow on Twitter

Future of work thought leaders, irascible know-it-alls, and friends

Dept. of Future Graphs

What we’re sharing

Women in the Workplace 2016: a joint study by McKinsey and Lean In

Dept. of Goodbyes

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Blueprint is where the workplace of the future is realized. We cover the changing nature of work and present points of view on how work gets done. Blueprint is powered by Box, the modern content management platform.



Blueprint Staff

Blueprint is where the workplace of the future is realized.