Biggest Secret Reveal || India & The KGB

Prateek Singh
The Blunt Social
Published in
5 min readJan 26, 2020

How Neta JI(Subhash Chandra bosh) died? Who is the main face behind the scene of an emergency(1975)? Aarushi murder case, Rajeev Gandhi assassination, etc, etc. What do you think, what is the biggest secret of Independent India which is still just a piece of information on the internet but government never accepted it as it would destroy the pillars of democracy. I am talking about The Mitrokhin Archive, written by Vasili Mitrokhin.

What is The Mitrokhin Archive?

Credits: Penguin Books

If you have seen the film “The Tashkent Files” you would then know about this but if you didn’t know about the world’s most trusted leaked document by the Russian secret agency KGB, you need to read the full article to know the darkest secret of our Indian government. The “Mitrokhin Archive” is a collection of handwritten notes made secretly by KGB archivist Vasili Mitrokhin during him thirty years as a KGB archivist in the foreign intelligence service and the First Chief Directorate. When he defected to the United Kingdom in 1992 he brought the archive with him. This archive is the most trusted document in the world to know the secrets behind the era of the cold war. But in India, there was never a discussion on it. I don't even think that except 5% of Indians, anybody knows about the documents and their content.

Why Mitrokhin Archive is not as famous in India?

Till 2000, all the data which was available to us to read to know was only available by textbooks, print media and little bit digital media. All these bodies were partially or totally govern by the government and that’s why we didn’t know about the archive till social media and internet came into the picture. But the question arises here is why the Indian government wants to hide the facts and information written by the KGB agent which is accepted by all other major countries as proof of documentation. Let me tell you why.

In Mitrokhin Archives there is the whole chapter dedicated to India titled “Special Relationship with India”.

India is the model of KGB infiltration of a Third World government” with “scores of sources throughout the Indian government, in intelligence, counter-intelligence, defense and foreign ministries, the police …:- KGB, Russia

Now you are very curious about the facts which are given in the archives which became the darkest secret of the Indian Government. Let's look into those facts.

“Special Relationship with India”

Credits: Outlook

Two chapters titled The Special Relationship with India detail the scale of KGB operations in India and the extent of the penetration.The book claims that the maximum operational effort by the KGB in a Third World country during the Cold War was in India and that the number of KGB agents in India during the 1970s was the largest outside the Soviet Union. The more sensational disclosures include:
1: Indira Gandhi, code named VANO by the KGB, was sent suitcases of money meant for the Congress coffers. On one occasion, a secret gift of Rs 2 million from the Politburo to the Congress(R) was personally delivered by the KGB head in India Leonid Shebarshin. Another million rupees were given on the same occasion to a newspaper supporting Mrs. Gandhi.
2: In 1978, the KGB was running over 30 agents in India, 10 of whom were Indian intelligence officers.
In 1977, KGB files identified 21 noncommunist politicians (four union ministers) whose election campaigns were subsidized by the KGB.
4: The CPI was funded in many ways, including the transfer of money through car windows on Delhi roads.
5: During 1975, a total of 10.6 million roubles was spent on active measures in India designed to strengthen the support for Mrs. Gandhi and undermine her political opponents.
6: By 1973, the KGB had 10 Indian newspapers on its payroll plus a press agency. During 1975 the KGB planted 5,510 articles in Indian newspapers.

So basically everyone who was running India in the 70s was in control of KGB(Russia), not just in the control but also on the payroll(They are getting monthly salary by KGB). Even our prime ministers receive millions of funding for the election campaign from KGB and in return KGB control every single law, every single decision by the Indian government in the parliament.

“identifying four Union ministers (in Indira Gandhi’s cabinet) and over two dozen MPs who were on the KGB payroll” :- M.K. Dhar, former IB director

“We had twice interfered in Indian politics to the extent of providing money to a political party. Both times the money was given to the Congress party,which had asked for it. Once it was given to Mrs Gandhi herself.” :- Mitrochin Archives?

Credits: Fatherly

Whatever happened is now erased from the memories and documented files of the Indian government. It is obvious that congress don’t want to disclose the information but why is it not sharing the same? Yes, it is a bitter truth that once our 40 MPs, 10 Indian newspapers, 4 Indian intelligence officer and 1 prime minister acting as a puppet for money and sold our country secretly which is still not known to many. But what we can do after 40 years of the incident, can we take any action? NO, because taking action against these culprits leads to tension between the a-Russia relationship, which we can’t afford in the current situation. We were listening from childhood that if anything happens to India, Russia always supports to India as it already did in the past. But we paid for this friendship is worth it?

Just a fun fact “Social” word added into our constitution in 1967 when behind the scene laws are made by only KGB in India to benefits its international agenda. However, let's look at what Baba saheb thoughts about this amendment in the 1950s.

What should be policy of the state, how the society should be organised in its social and economic side are matters which must be decided by people themselves according to time and circumstances.:- Dr, Bhim Rao Ambedkar

If you find this article informative please “clap” and share it among your friends so everyone should know about the main history which we needed to be told not the one which we studied in school.

