Top 25 board games in 2024

Per Damgaard Husted
The Board Gamer’s Almanac
37 min readMar 5, 2023

Board games have been around for centuries and continue to be a popular source of entertainment for people of all ages. Whether you’re looking for a family-friendly game night or a strategic challenge with friends, board games offer something for everyone. As we head into 2024, there are more board games on the market than ever before, making it tough to know which ones are worth investing in. In this article, we will be taking a look at the top 25 board games in 2024, so you can spend less time researching and more time playing! From classic favorites to new releases, we’ve got you covered. So, gather your friends and family, and let’s dive into the world of board games.

The source for this article is my book “ The Board Gamer’s Almanac: Your Guide to the Best Games Of 2023”. It has more than 500 pages of reviews and insights into more than 100 different games.

A Feast for Odin

A Feast for Odin is a highly-regarded worker placement and resource management game that has received positive reviews from many players and board game critics. Here are some of the game’s key strengths:

  1. Replayability: The game features a large variety of gameplay options, ensuring that each play-through is unique and offers new challenges.
  2. Strategy: Players must carefully balance short-term and long-term goals, and make strategic decisions to optimize their resources and progress.
  3. Theme: The game’s Viking setting, art, and design are immersive and engaging, bringing players into the world of the game.
  4. Mechanics: The game’s mechanics, including worker placement, resource management, and tile placement, are well-balanced and provide a satisfying challenge.
  5. Interaction: The game allows players to interact and compete for resources, adding an extra layer of excitement to the game.

However, some players have noted that the game can be long and complex, requiring a significant time investment to play. Additionally, the game’s setup and learning curve can be intimidating for new players.

Overall, A Feast for Odin is considered a well-designed and enjoyable game for those who are fans of strategy and worker placement games, and who are willing to invest the time to learn and play.


The top three features of A Feast for Odin are:

  1. Strategic gameplay: The game requires players to make strategic decisions and balance short-term and long-term goals to maximize their resources and progress.
  2. Immersive theme: The game’s Viking setting, art, and design create an immersive and engaging atmosphere that draws players into the world of the game.
  3. Replayability: The game offers a large variety of gameplay options, ensuring that each play-through is unique and offers new challenges.


The top three drawbacks of A Feast for Odin are:

  1. Length: The game can be long and time-consuming, requiring a significant investment of time to play.
  2. Complexity: The game’s rules and mechanics can be complex and intimidating, especially for new players.
  3. Player interaction: While the game allows players to compete for resources, some players may find the level of interaction to be limited, reducing the social aspect of the game.


Azul is a highly-regarded and award-winning board game that has received a lot of positive attention from players and critics. Here are some of the key features that make Azul an enjoyable game to play:

  1. Simple and engaging gameplay: Azul has a straightforward and intuitive gameplay that is easy to understand, but also offers a high level of strategic depth.
  2. Beautiful design: The game features beautiful and intricate tile designs that are a pleasure to look at and interact with.
  3. High level of replayability: With different tile combinations and patterns generated each time the game is played, Azul offers a high level of replayability and allows for different experiences each time.
  4. Encourages strategic thinking: The game’s mechanics encourage players to think critically and make strategic decisions, making it a good choice for those who enjoy strategic games.
  5. Competitive play: The game’s mechanics and scoring system encourage players to compete against each other, making it a great choice for those who enjoy head-to-head competition.

These are some of the key features that make Azul an enjoyable and engaging game to play. Of course, individual preferences and opinions may vary, and some people may not enjoy the game as much as others. Overall, Azul is widely regarded as a must-play for board game enthusiasts and has earned a reputation as one of the top games in its genre.


The top three features of Azul are:

  1. Beautifully designed tiles: The intricate and colorful tiles used in Azul are a major feature of the game, and one of the things that sets it apart from other games in the same genre.
  2. Engaging gameplay: The game’s mechanics are simple to understand, but offer a high level of strategic depth, making it an enjoyable and engaging experience for players.
  3. High level of replayability: The game’s mechanics and scoring system ensure that each playthrough is unique, providing players with a high level of replayability and keeping the game fresh and interesting.

These three features are what make Azul an enjoyable and highly-regarded game, and what have earned it a reputation as one of the top games in its genre. Whether you’re a fan of tile-laying games, strategic games, or simply enjoy beautiful designs, Azul is a game that is sure to provide you with an enjoyable experience.


  1. Lack of player interaction: Some players may feel that the game does not have enough interaction between players, as each player focuses on building their own pattern and does not directly impact other players.
  2. Learning curve: While the game is easy to understand, the rules and mechanics may take some time to master, which could turn off some players who prefer more straightforward games.
  3. Length of playtime: Depending on the number of players, Azul can take a long time to play, which may not be ideal for those who prefer shorter or quicker games.

These are three potential drawbacks of Azul, but it’s worth noting that they may not be relevant to everyone, and that individual preferences and opinions may vary. Overall, Azul is widely regarded as a high-quality and enjoyable game, and many players find that the benefits of the game far outweigh any potential drawbacks.


Backgammon is a two-player game that combines luck and strategy. It’s a classic game that has been played for centuries, and it still attracts players of all ages and skill levels. The game requires players to move their checkers around the board, while blocking and hitting their opponent’s checkers to prevent them from advancing. The gameplay is easy to learn but offers a lot of depth and complexity, making it an engaging and thought-provoking game.

Backgammon is also a social game that can be played with friends or family members, and it’s a great way to spend time together and engage in friendly competition. Additionally, there are online platforms that allow players to connect and compete with others from around the world.

In summary, backgammon is a fun and challenging game that has stood the test of time. It offers a combination of luck and strategy, easy-to-learn rules, and social engagement. Whether you’re a casual player or a serious competitor, backgammon is definitely worth checking out!


  1. Combination of luck and strategy: Backgammon is a game that requires both luck and strategy. The dice rolls determine the moves that a player can make, but it’s up to the player to decide how to use those moves to their advantage. This combination of luck and strategy makes the game exciting and unpredictable.
  2. Easy to learn, difficult to master: Backgammon has simple rules that are easy to learn, but the game has a lot of depth and complexity that can keep players engaged for a long time. There are many possible moves and strategies, and players can continue to improve their skills over time.
  3. Social engagement: Backgammon is a social game that can be played with friends or family members. It’s a great way to spend time together and engage in friendly competition. The game can also be played online, allowing players to connect with others from around the world.

Overall, these three features — the combination of luck and strategy, the easy-to-learn but difficult-to-master gameplay, and the social engagement — make backgammon a popular and enjoyable game for many people.


  1. Luck factor: While the combination of luck and strategy is one of the strengths of backgammon, it can also be a drawback for some players. The randomness of the dice can sometimes lead to frustrating or unpredictable outcomes, even for skilled players.
  2. Time commitment: Backgammon can be a time-consuming game, especially for those who are new to the game or playing with more experienced opponents. A single game can take anywhere from a few minutes to an hour or more, depending on the players and the level of competition.
  3. Limited player pool: While backgammon is a popular game with a dedicated fan base, it may be less accessible to those who are not familiar with the game or don’t have a community of players nearby. Unlike some other popular games, such as chess or poker, backgammon may not be as widely recognized or played in certain regions.

It’s worth noting that these potential drawbacks may not apply to everyone and that many players may view them as minor or inconsequential compared to the enjoyment and benefits of playing backgammon.


Blokus is a popular strategy game that has received positive reviews for its simple yet challenging gameplay, bright and colorful pieces, and high replay value. Players take turns placing their pieces on a board with the goal of placing as many pieces as possible while blocking their opponents. The game has been praised for its accessible rules and depth of strategy, making it a great choice for families and game enthusiasts of all ages. Some reviewers have noted that the game can become repetitive after extended play, but overall, Blokus has received high marks for its fun and engaging gameplay.


The top three features of the game Blokus are:

  1. Strategic gameplay: Blokus requires players to think ahead and make strategic moves to block their opponents and place their pieces on the board.
  2. Bright and colorful pieces: The game comes with bright, high-quality pieces that are easy to handle and visually appealing.
  3. High replay value: With its simple rules and endless variations in gameplay, Blokus offers high replay value, making it a game that can be enjoyed for many hours.


The top three drawbacks of the game Blokus are:

  1. Repetitive gameplay: Some players have noted that the gameplay can become repetitive after extended play.
  2. Limited player count: Blokus is typically played with 2–4 players, so it may not be suitable for larger groups.
  3. Slow pace: The game can be slow-paced, with each player taking time to plan their moves, which may not be suitable for those looking for a fast-paced game.

Brass Birmingham

“Brass: Birmingham” is a board game designed by Martin Wallace and published by Roxley Games. The game is set in the city of Birmingham during the industrial revolution and players take on the roles of entrepreneurs competing to build up their factories, produce goods, and make the most money. The game has received positive reviews for its challenging gameplay, rich theme, and smooth mechanics. Overall, “Brass: Birmingham” is highly regarded by many board game enthusiasts and is considered to be one of the best games in the genre.


  1. Challenging gameplay: “Brass: Birmingham” offers a deep and challenging gameplay experience, with players having to make strategic decisions about how to allocate their resources and build up their factories.
  2. Rich theme: The game is set in the city of Birmingham during the industrial revolution, and the designers have done a great job of bringing this time period to life through the game’s mechanics and artwork.
  3. Smooth mechanics: The game’s mechanics are well-designed and work seamlessly together, providing a smooth and engaging experience for players. This is a key factor in why many board game enthusiasts consider “Brass: Birmingham” to be one of the best games in the genre.


  1. Length: “Brass: Birmingham” is a long game, typically taking 2–3 hours to play. This can be a drawback for some players who prefer shorter, quicker games.
  2. Complexity: The game’s mechanics can be complex and intimidating for new players, making it difficult for them to get into the game.
  3. High level of player interaction: The game has a high level of player interaction, which can lead to direct competition between players. While this can be seen as a positive aspect of the game, it can also lead to tensions between players and make the game less enjoyable for some.


Carcassonne is a highly acclaimed and popular tile-laying game, first published in 2000. The game is set in the medieval city of Carcassonne and players take on the role of landowners, building and expanding the city by placing tiles and placing meeples on the tiles to represent their followers. The game is easy to learn and offers a good balance of strategy and luck, making it accessible to players of all skill levels.

One of the strengths of Carcassonne is its replayability, as the game board is generated randomly each time the game is played. The game also offers multiple expansions, which add new tiles, rules, and gameplay options to the base game. The game is well designed, with colorful and attractive artwork, and is well suited for play with family and friends.

In conclusion, Carcassonne is a great game for casual and family gamers, as well as strategy game fans and fans of tile-laying games. The game offers a good balance of strategy and luck, high replayability, and attractive design. Carcassonne is a classic game that is highly recommended for anyone interested in board gaming.


The top three features of the game Carcassonne are:

  1. Easy to learn: Carcassonne has simple rules and mechanics, making it easy to learn and play, especially for new players.
  2. Strategic gameplay: Carcassonne offers a good balance of strategy and luck, allowing players to make strategic decisions on where to place their tiles and meeples.
  3. High replayability: The game offers high replayability, as the game board is generated randomly each time the game is played, and the game also offers multiple expansions that add new tiles, rules, and gameplay options to the base game.


The top three drawbacks of the game Carcassonne are:

  1. Limited interaction: Although the game encourages social interaction, the limited interaction between players can lead to a less engaging gameplay experience.
  2. Lack of player interaction: Some players may feel that the game lacks player interaction, as players primarily compete against the game board and do not directly affect each other.
  3. Repetition: After multiple plays, some players may feel that the gameplay becomes repetitive and less engaging.

It’s important to note that these drawbacks are subjective and may not be experienced by all players. Carcassonne remains a highly acclaimed and popular game for many players.


Checkers is a classic board game that has been enjoyed by generations of players. While it may not have the same level of complexity or depth as other strategy games, such as Chess or Go, it offers a fun and engaging gameplay experience that is easy to learn.

One of the biggest advantages of Checkers is its accessibility. The game has simple rules that can be quickly understood, making it a great choice for players of all ages and skill levels. Additionally, Checkers is widely available, whether in physical form or as a digital game, which makes it easy to find opponents and play against people from around the world.

Despite its simplicity, Checkers still offers a level of strategy and depth that can challenge even experienced players. Each move must be carefully considered, as a single mistake can quickly lead to defeat. This makes the game engaging and rewarding, especially for those who enjoy strategy games.

However, some players may find the game to be too repetitive or lacking in variety, especially after playing it for an extended period of time. Additionally, games can sometimes drag on for a long time, leading to boredom and frustration.

Overall, Checkers is a timeless classic that offers a fun and engaging gameplay experience for players of all ages and skill levels. While it may not be as complex or innovative as some other strategy games, it is still a great choice for anyone looking for a quick and enjoyable board game.


  1. Easy to learn: Checkers has simple rules that can be easily understood, even by young children. This makes it a great game for introducing strategy and critical thinking skills.
  2. Strategic gameplay: Despite its simple rules, Checkers offers a surprising level of strategy and depth, especially at higher levels of play. Players must constantly analyze the board and anticipate their opponent’s moves in order to win.
  3. Widely available: Checkers is a popular game that is widely available, whether in physical form or as a digital game. This makes it easy to find opponents to play against and also allows for a diverse range of skill levels and playing styles.


  1. Limited complexity: Checkers is a simple game compared to other strategy games such as Chess or Go. Once you learn the basic rules and strategies, the game may become repetitive and lack the depth that players crave.
  2. Drawn-out matches: Depending on the skill level of the players, Checkers games can drag on for a long time, leading to boredom and frustration.
  3. Lack of innovation: Checkers has been around for centuries, and while there have been variations on the game, it hasn’t seen the same level of innovation as other classic games. This may make it less appealing to people who are looking for a more modern game experience.


Chess is a classic board game that has been enjoyed by people of all ages and backgrounds for centuries. The game is popular for many reasons, including its strategic depth, intellectual challenge, and cultural significance. Chess requires players to think critically and strategically about each move, anticipating their opponent’s possible responses and planning their own future moves accordingly. The game can be a satisfying mental exercise that provides a sense of intellectual challenge and engagement.

However, chess also has some drawbacks, such as its time commitment, complexity, and risk of burnout. The game can be time-consuming, especially at the competitive level, and requires players to devote significant time and energy to learning and improving their skills. The complexity of the game may also be intimidating for some players, and there is a risk of becoming too obsessed with the game and neglecting other aspects of life.

Overall, chess is a fascinating and challenging game that has stood the test of time. It provides a unique blend of intellectual stimulation, strategic thinking, and competition, making it a popular pastime for those who enjoy mental stimulation and problem-solving. However, players should be mindful of the potential drawbacks and balance their chess-playing with other interests and responsibilities.


The top 3 features of chess are:

  1. Strategic thinking: Chess is a game that requires players to think strategically about each move, anticipating their opponent’s possible responses and planning their own future moves accordingly. The game requires deep concentration, logical thinking, and the ability to plan ahead several moves.
  2. Skill and mastery: Chess is a game that can be played at many different levels, from beginner to advanced, and players can always strive to improve their skills and knowledge of the game. The game requires a combination of tactical skills, positional understanding, and endgame mastery.
  3. Intellectual challenge: Chess is a game that challenges players to use their intellect and creativity to outthink and outmaneuver their opponents. The game can be a satisfying mental exercise that provides a sense of intellectual challenge and engagement, making it a popular pastime for those who enjoy mental stimulation and problem-solving.


The top 3 drawbacks of chess are:

  1. Time commitment: Chess is a game that requires a significant amount of time to play well. Even a single game can take a long time, especially at the competitive level, and players need to be prepared to devote the necessary time and energy to the game in order to improve their skills.
  2. Complexity: Chess can be a complex game, with many different pieces, rules, and strategies to learn and master. For some people, this complexity can be overwhelming or intimidating, and may discourage them from playing or enjoying the game.
  3. Risk of burnout: Some players may become too obsessed with the game and spend too much time and energy on it, to the detriment of other aspects of their lives. This can lead to burnout, which can be harmful to their mental and physical health. Players need to be mindful of their limits and balance their chess-playing with other interests and responsibilities.


Civilization is a classic strategy and civilization-building board game that has been a favorite among gamers for decades. The game is well-regarded for its depth of strategy, challenging gameplay, and engaging themes.

Some of the strengths of the game include its multiple paths to victory, player interaction through diplomacy, and the ability to build and develop your own civilization over time. The turn-based play allows for thoughtful consideration of moves and allows for a more strategic experience. The game also offers high replayability, as different choices and strategies can lead to vastly different outcomes in each playthrough.

However, the game can also be complex and overwhelming for some players, with a steep learning curve and a lot of rules and mechanics to keep track of. The length of the game can also be a drawback for some players, as a full game can take several hours to complete.

In conclusion, Civilization is a highly regarded and classic strategy game that offers a rich and challenging experience for fans of civilization-building and strategy games. Its strengths include multiple paths to victory, player interaction, and high replayability, while its complexity and length can be considered drawbacks.


Here are the top three features of the board game Civilization:

  1. Multiple Paths to Victory: Players can win the game through military conquest, cultural dominance, technological superiority, or other means, allowing for a high level of replayability and diversity in gameplay.
  2. Diplomacy: Players can interact with other civilizations through alliances, trade, and negotiations, adding an additional layer of strategy and player interaction to the game.
  3. Civilization-Building: Players have the ability to build and develop their own civilization, making choices and decisions that will shape its future, and advancing it over time to achieve victory.


Here are the top three drawbacks of the board game Civilization:

  1. Complexity: The game has a steep learning curve, with many rules and mechanics to keep track of, which can be overwhelming for some players.
  2. Length of Playtime: A full game can take several hours to complete, which can be a drawback for players looking for a shorter gaming experience.
  3. Lack of replayability for some players: While the game offers multiple paths to victory, some players may find the gameplay to be repetitive or unchanging over time. This can limit the game’s replayability for those players.


Clank! is a highly-regarded deck-building board game that combines elements of adventure, strategy, and resource management. In the game, players take on the role of adventurers exploring a dangerous dungeon, trying to collect treasure and earn the most victory points.

One of the standout features of Clank! is its fast-paced, easy-to-learn gameplay mechanics. Players use their cards to move around the dungeon, acquire new cards, and defeat monsters. The game also features a unique “clank” mechanic where players must be careful not to make too much noise, as this will attract the attention of the dragon and put their collected treasure at risk.

Another aspect of the game that players enjoy is the high replayability, as the deck-building aspect means that each playthrough can be different based on the cards acquired. The game also features different game modes, including solo play and different difficulty levels, making it a versatile choice for different skill levels and preferences.

Overall, Clank! is a well-designed, exciting, and addictive game that is well-suited for players looking for an engaging and enjoyable gaming experience.


The top three features of the board game Clank! are:

  1. Deck-building: Clank! is a deck-building game, where players must gather resources, recruit allies, and acquire new cards to build their deck and become more powerful.
  2. Adventure Theme: The game is set in a dangerous dungeon where players must explore, collect treasure, and earn victory points while avoiding the wrath of the dragon.
  3. High Replayability: The deck-building aspect and the various game modes make Clank! a highly replayable game, allowing players to experience new challenges and strategies each time they play.


  1. Complexity: Clank! can be difficult to understand for new players, especially with the different rules, game mechanics, and combinations.
  2. Long playing time: Clank! can take a long time to play, especially for those who are unfamiliar


Clue, also known as Cluedo, is a classic murder mystery board game that has been a staple of game nights for decades. The objective of the game is to figure out who committed the murder, what weapon was used, and where the crime took place.

One of the strengths of Clue is its replayability, as there are multiple combinations of suspects, weapons, and rooms, meaning that the outcome of each game is different. Additionally, Clue requires players to use deduction, reasoning, and strategy to make educated guesses, making it a challenging and engaging game.

Another positive aspect of Clue is that it is easy to learn and can be enjoyed by people of all ages, making it a great option for families, friends, and couples. The game is also a great way to bring people together and encourage social interaction, as players work together to solve the murder.

However, Clue can also have some drawbacks, such as the length of play, which can be longer than some players may prefer. Additionally, the game may become repetitive over time, making it less enjoyable to play repeatedly. Finally, some players may find the theme of murder to be inappropriate or unappealing.

In conclusion, Clue is a classic board game that offers a fun and challenging experience for players. While it has some limitations, such as its length of play and potential for repetition, its strengths, including its replayability, deduction-based gameplay, and social aspect, make it a great option for game nights and social gatherings.


The top three features of the game Clue are:

  1. Mystery Solving: Clue is a classic murder mystery game that encourages players to use their deduction skills to solve the crime.
  2. Competition: Clue is a competitive game that allows players to compete against each other to see who can solve the crime first.
  3. High Replayability: Clue has a high replay value because each playthrough is unique, with different combinations of murderers, weapons, and locations.


Here are the top three drawbacks of the game Clue:

  1. Limited Gameplay: Clue is a game of deduction, but there is limited player interaction and limited options for strategy, which can make the game feel repetitive after multiple plays.
  2. Dependence on Luck: The outcome of the game can be heavily influenced by chance, with players relying on the roll of dice to move around the board and gather clues.
  3. Limited Player Count: Clue is designed for a specific number of players, typically three to six, which can limit its versatility for larger or smaller groups

These drawbacks may not be a major issue for all players and may vary based on individual preferences and experiences, but they are worth considering when deciding whether Clue is the right game for you.


Codenames is a popular board game designed for 2–8 players. It was created by Czech game designer Vlaada Chvátil and was first published in 2015. The game has won multiple awards and is widely considered as one of the best party games available.

In Codenames, players are divided into two teams and take turns giving clues to help their team guess the correct words from a grid of 25 cards. The twist is that each word is assigned a code name, and the clue-giver must give a word that connects to multiple words on the grid without giving away the codenames of their own agents or those of the other team.

The game is easy to learn and fast-paced, making it a great option for social gatherings and parties. The simplicity of the rules and the variety of clues that can be given make Codenames a game that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and skill levels.

One of the strengths of Codenames is its replayability. With hundreds of different word cards included, each game can feel unique and the game can be played many times without feeling repetitive. The game can also be played in different languages, making it accessible to a wide audience.

Overall, Codenames is a must-have for any board game collection. Its combination of strategy, deduction, and wordplay make it a game that can be enjoyed by a wide variety of players. Whether you’re looking for a game to play with friends, family, or coworkers, Codenames is sure to provide hours of entertainment.


  1. Strategic thinking: Codenames requires players to think creatively and make connections between words, making it a fun challenge for the brain.
  2. Social interaction: Players work together in teams, communicate with each other and try to guess each other’s clues, making it a fun way to socialize and interact with others.
  3. High replay value: With many different word cards and hundreds of possible combinations, Codenames offers a lot of replay value, as each game can be unique and different.
  4. Easy to learn, hard to master: The rules of the game are simple to understand, but there is room for players to develop their own strategies and improve over time, making it an enjoyable game to both new and experienced players.
  5. Portable and compact: The game is small and lightweight, making it easy to take on the go and play anywhere.


  1. Limited replay value for solo play: While Codenames is a great multiplayer game, it can become repetitive when played alone, as the outcome of each game is heavily dependent on the actions of other players.
  2. Lacks physical components: Some players might miss the tactile experience of traditional board games, as Codenames consists mostly of cards and does not have many physical components.

In conclusion, Codenames is a well-designed and highly rated board game that is both fun and challenging. Its strategic gameplay, social interaction, and high replay value make it a great choice for game nights and social gatherings, as well as for solo play.

Cover Your Assets

“Cover Your Assets” is a popular card game that involves elements of strategy, social deduction, and player interaction. The goal of the game is to accumulate wealth by collecting valuable assets, while also trying to protect your own assets from being stolen by other players.

Some of the key features of “Cover Your Assets” include its fast-paced gameplay, easy-to-learn rules, and high replay value. The game is designed to be played with 2–6 players, making it a versatile option for various group sizes.

Overall, “Cover Your Assets” is a fun and engaging game that is well-received by players of all ages. It’s a great option for a casual game night with friends or family, and its combination of strategy, social deduction, and player interaction make it a well-rounded and entertaining experience.


Here are three of the top features of “Cover Your Assets”:

  1. Fast-paced gameplay: “Cover Your Assets” is a quick and easy game to play, with rounds lasting only a few minutes. This makes it a great option for players who are looking for a fun, fast-paced gaming experience.
  2. Easy-to-learn rules: The game’s rules are simple and straightforward, making it easy for new players to learn and start playing right away.
  3. High replay value: “Cover Your Assets” is a highly replayable game, with a wide range of cards and assets to collect, as well as different strategies and tactics to employ. This keeps the game fresh and engaging, even after multiple plays.

Overall, “Cover Your Assets” is a fun and entertaining game that appeals to a wide range of players. Whether you’re a fan of strategy games, social deduction games, or just looking for a fun and engaging way to spend time with friends or family, “Cover Your Assets” is a great option.


Here are three potential drawbacks of “Cover Your Assets”:

  1. Limited replay value: Some players may find that the gameplay becomes repetitive after a few rounds, especially if the same players are playing multiple games in a row.
  2. Luck-based elements: Some players may feel that too much of the game is based on luck, as the outcome of each round can be heavily influenced by the cards you draw and the actions of other players.
  3. Potentially hostile gameplay: The game involves stealing assets from other players, which can lead to hostile or aggressive behavior in some cases. Some players may find this aspect of the game unappealing, especially if they are looking for a more cooperative or friendly experience.

While these drawbacks can be issues for some players, many others enjoy “Cover Your Assets” for its fast-paced gameplay, easy-to-learn rules, and high replay value. Whether or not these drawbacks are significant for you will depend on your personal preferences and the type of gaming experience, you are looking for.


Gloomhaven is widely regarded as one of the best tabletop games of all time, receiving high praise for its:

  1. Engaging tactical combat system.
  2. Intriguing and branching story-driven campaigns.
  3. In-depth character development and customization.
  4. Cooperative play that promotes teamwork and strategy.
  5. Legacy-style mechanics that create a sense of progression and investment in the game’s outcome.

Many players enjoy the challenge of the tactical combat and the satisfaction of overcoming difficult missions with friends. The game’s high level of replayability and the ability to tailor characters to one’s playstyle are also highly praised.

However, some players may find the game’s length and complexity daunting, as well as the high price point for the game and its components. The game is best suited for hobby gamers who are looking for a long-term gaming experience with a high level of depth and strategy.


The top three features of Gloomhaven are:

  1. Tactical Combat: Engaging and challenging turn-based combat system that requires players to make strategic decisions.
  2. Story-Driven: An intricate branching narrative that allows players to make choices that affect the outcome of the game.
  3. Character Development: In-depth customization and leveling system for characters, allowing players to tailor their playstyle.


The top three drawbacks of Gloomhaven are:

  1. Complexity: The game has a high level of rules complexity, which can be overwhelming for new players.
  2. Length: Gloomhaven is a long-term commitment, with games typically lasting several hours and campaigns spanning multiple play sessions.
  3. Cost: The game’s components, including miniatures and cards, are of high quality but also come with a high price point.


Go is a two-player board game originating in China over 2,500 years ago. It is known for its simplicity, depth and elegance, with gameplay based on placing black and white stones on a grid to surround and capture territory. The game has a strong emphasis on strategy, with players trying to outmaneuver their opponent and claim the most territory. Go has a large and dedicated following, with many amateur and professional players and a rich history and culture. It is widely considered one of the classic board games of the world and is enjoyed by people of all ages and backgrounds.


The top three features of the game Go are:

  1. Strategy: Go requires deep strategic thinking, with players making moves that try to maximize their potential for territory while minimizing their opponent’s potential.
  2. Simplicity: Despite its depth, the rules of Go are simple and easy to understand, making it accessible to players of all skill levels.
  3. Cultural significance: Go has a rich cultural history, originating over 2,500 years ago in China and spreading throughout the world. It is considered one of the classic board games and has a dedicated following and numerous international tournaments.


The top three drawbacks of the game Go are:

  1. Learning curve: While the rules of Go are simple, it can take time and effort to develop a good understanding of the game’s strategy.
  2. Pace of play: Go games can be long, taking several hours to complete, and may not be suitable for those who prefer faster-paced games.
  3. Availability: Go can be harder to find and play than some other popular board games, as it may not be widely available in local game stores or played in local communities.


Hive is a highly-regarded strategy game that is praised for its simple rules and deep gameplay. The objective of the game is to surround your opponent’s queen bee with your own pieces, known as insects. Players must think ahead and plan their moves carefully in order to outmaneuver their opponent. The game is often noted for its high replayability and ability to provide a new challenge with each play through. Overall, Hive is considered a well-designed and enjoyable game for fans of strategy games.


The top three features of the game Hive are:

  1. Simple rules with deep gameplay
  2. High replayability
  3. Strategic challenge that requires careful planning and execution.


The top three drawbacks of the game Hive are:

  1. Limited player count (two players only)
  2. Slow pace for some players
  3. May require a steep learning curve for new players.


Kalaha is a two-player strategy game that is considered challenging and engaging. It involves players taking turns placing stones in cups on a board, with the goal of capturing the most stones. The game is often praised for its simple rules and fast-paced gameplay, as well as its potential for deep strategy and long-term planning. Some players may find the game repetitive or uninteresting, but overall Kalaha is generally well-received and considered a fun and enjoyable game for those who enjoy strategy games.


  1. Strategy and planning: Kalaha requires players to think ahead and make strategic moves in order to capture the most stones.
  2. Fast-paced gameplay: The game moves quickly, keeping players engaged and on their toes.
  3. Simple rules: Despite its strategic depth, Kalaha has straightforward rules that are easy to learn and understand, making it accessible to players of all skill levels.


  1. Repetitive gameplay: Some players may find that the gameplay becomes repetitive or monotonous after a while.
  2. Limited replayability: With only two players, the game may not have much replay value for some people.
  3. Not suitable for all ages: The game’s focus on strategy and planning may not be appealing to younger children or those who prefer more action-oriented games.

Le Havre

Le Havre is a highly-regarded worker placement and resource management board game that has been praised for its unique themes, challenging gameplay, and high level of replayability. Here are some of the key features of the game:

  1. Unique Themes: The game is set in the port city of Le Havre, and tasks players with managing their own shipping empire and harbor operations. This provides a unique and engaging gameplay experience that sets it apart from other worker placement and resource management games.
  2. Challenging Gameplay: The game offers a high degree of challenge and strategic depth, requiring players to carefully manage their resources and make difficult decisions about how to allocate their workers and resources.
  3. High Replayability: The game offers a high level of replayability due to its diverse set of mechanics and challenges, making it a great game to play again and again.
  4. Strategic Resource Management: Players must manage their resources carefully, using them to build their harbor, acquire new ships, and expand their commercial empire.
  5. Engaging Worker Placement: The game’s worker placement mechanics provide an engaging and challenging gameplay experience, requiring players to make strategic decisions about how to allocate their workers each turn.

Overall, Le Havre is a well-designed and highly-regarded board game that offers a unique and challenging experience for players. Whether you’re a fan of worker placement games or resource management games, Le Havre is sure to provide an engaging and rewarding gaming experience.


  1. Unique Themes: Le Havre is set in the port city of Le Havre, and offers players the opportunity to manage their own shipping empire and harbor operations. This provides a unique and engaging gameplay experience that sets it apart from other worker placement and resource management games.
  2. Challenging Gameplay: Le Havre offers a high degree of challenge and strategic depth, requiring players to carefully manage their resources and make difficult decisions about how to allocate their workers and resources.
  3. High Replayability: The game offers a high level of replayability due to its diverse set of mechanics and challenges, making it a great game to play again and again.
  4. Strategic Resource Management: Players must manage their resources carefully, using them to build their harbor, acquire new ships, and expand their commercial empire.
  5. Engaging Worker Placement: The game’s worker placement mechanics provide an engaging and challenging gameplay experience, requiring players to make strategic decisions about how to allocate their workers each turn.


  1. Complexity: Le Havre can be a complex game to learn and understand, with a wide range of mechanics and strategies to master. This may make it less accessible to casual gamers or those new to the genre.
  2. Length: The game can take several hours to play, which may not be suitable for everyone. Some players may find it too time-consuming or drawn out, especially if they are looking for a quick and casual gaming experience.
  3. Limited Interaction: Despite its strategic depth, the game has limited direct player interaction, with players primarily competing against the game rather than against each other. This may not be appealing to players who prefer games with a high degree of direct player interaction.
  4. Slow Start: Some players may find the early stages of the game to be slow and repetitive, as players build their initial resources and structures.
  5. High level of Luck: The game has a certain degree of luck involved, especially with the draw of cards, which can sometimes impact the outcome of the game. This may not be appealing to players who prefer games that are more skill-based.


Monopoly is a classic board game that was first published in 1935. It is a game of strategy and chance that simulates the experience of buying, developing, and managing properties in a fictional city. Players move around the board, rolling dice to determine their movement, and collect rent from other players who land on their properties. The goal of the game is to become the wealthiest player by acquiring as much property as possible and putting your opponents into bankruptcy.

Monopoly is a well-known and widely recognized game that has been enjoyed by millions of people for generations. The game’s mechanics and themes have remained largely unchanged over the years, with only minor updates and variations to the rules and properties. The game is often praised for its simplicity, replayability, and the social interactions it encourages between players. However, some players find the length of the game and the repetitive nature of its gameplay to be drawbacks.

Overall, Monopoly remains a popular board game that has withstood the test of time and continues to be enjoyed by families and friends all over the world.


The top three features of Monopoly are:

  1. Strategic gameplay: Monopoly is a game of strategy requiring players to make decisions about how to allocate their resources, acquire properties, and interact with other players.
  2. Negotiation and social interaction: Monopoly encourages players to negotiate and make deals with each other, adding to the game’s overall enjoyment and social aspect.
  3. Combination of chance and strategy: Monopoly combines the element of chance, through the roll of the dice, with the player’s strategy, creating a dynamic and engaging gameplay experience. The combination of these elements keeps players engaged and on their toes throughout the game.


The top three drawbacks of Monopoly are:

  1. Length of play: Monopoly is a long-lasting game that can take several hours to complete, which can be a drawback for players who prefer shorter games.
  2. Repetitive gameplay: The gameplay of Monopoly can become repetitive over time, with players performing the same actions repeatedly throughout the game.
  3. Unbalanced gameplay: Some players may find that the game can become unbalanced, with some players having an advantage over others due to luck, strategy, or other factors. This can lead to frustration for players who feel that they are at a disadvantage and can make the game less enjoyable.

While these are common criticisms of Monopoly, the game remains a popular and widely-played board game that is enjoyed by millions of people around the world. The game’s combination of strategy, negotiation, and chance has made it a staple in many households, and its classic gameplay continues to attract new players.


Othello is a classic strategy board game for two players. It is played on an 8×8 board and each player starts with pieces of opposite colors (usually black and white). The goal of the game is to surround and capture your opponent’s pieces, turning them to your color. The game is won by the player with the most pieces of their color on the board at the end. Othello is known for its simplicity, yet challenging gameplay, making it a popular choice for both casual and competitive players. The game requires strategy, planning, and tactics to outwit your opponent, making it a great game for those who enjoy thinking games. Overall, Othello is a well-designed and highly entertaining game that has stood the test of time.


The top three features of the game Othello are:

  1. Simple gameplay mechanics
  2. Strategic and tactical gameplay
  3. Two-player competition.


The top three drawbacks of the game Othello are:

  1. Limited gameplay options (only two players)
  2. Repetitive game experience with repeated strategies
  3. Can become predictable and monotonous for experienced players.


Risk is a classic board game of global domination. Players control armies and attempt to conquer territories on a map of the world, with the ultimate goal of conquering all territories and becoming the supreme ruler. The game combines elements of strategy, diplomacy, and luck as players make alliances, plan their attacks, and roll dice to determine the outcome of battles.


  • Classic game with a long history
  • Combines strategy, diplomacy, and luck
  • Easy to learn, but difficult to master
  • Supports 2–6 players


  • Lengthy playing time
  • Can become repetitive for some players
  • Luck can play a significant role in the outcome
  • Player elimination can lead to long downtime for eliminated players.

Overall, Risk is a well-designed game that has stood the test of time. Its combination of strategy, diplomacy, and luck make it an exciting and challenging experience for players.

Settlers of Catan

Settlers of Catan is a classic board game that is enjoyed by many players for its combination of strategy, resource management, and player interaction. Players take on the role of settlers on the island of Catan, competing to build the most prosperous settlements and gain the most victory points. The game is known for its engaging gameplay, with players having to make strategic decisions about how to use their resources, trade with other players, and develop their settlements. Some players may find the game’s rules to be complex, and the length of play time can be a drawback for some. However, for those who enjoy strategy games, Settlers of Catan is a must-try classic that has stood the test of time.


  1. Resource management and trading.
  2. Building and development of settlements.
  3. Strategic decision making and player interaction.


  1. Complex rules and a steep learning curve.
  2. Lengthy play time (typically takes 1–2 hours).
  3. Limited replayability as the outcome is dependent on randomized game elements.


Stratego is a classic board game that is well-known for its strategy and unpredictability. It involves two players, each with an army of pieces with different ranks and abilities, who try to capture the opponent’s flag while defending their own. The game is won by either capturing the opponent’s flag or by forcing the opponent to run out of pieces. The game requires a lot of strategic thinking, planning, and bluffing, making it a challenging and fun experience for players of all ages. Overall, Stratego is a highly rated and popular game that is well-received by those who enjoy strategy games and board games.


  1. Strategic gameplay: Stratego requires careful planning and strategy, making each game unique and challenging.
  2. Bluffing mechanics: Players can bluff their opponents by hiding their higher ranking pieces and forcing them to make inaccurate assumptions.
  3. Army variety: The game includes a range of different pieces with varying abilities, ranks, and strengths, allowing for diverse and dynamic gameplay.


  1. Luck factor: The game has a luck factor involved, as the pieces are randomly placed and some pieces may not be used throughout the game.
  2. Slow pace: Stratego can be a slow-paced game, as players may spend a lot of time thinking and strategizing before making their moves.
  3. Limited replayability: The game can become repetitive after several plays, as the strategy and outcome can often be predictable.

Ticket to Ride

Ticket to Ride is a highly rated and popular board game. It is a cross-country train adventure game in which players collect and play matching train cards to claim railway routes connecting cities in various countries. The game is known for its simple yet engaging gameplay, beautiful board design, and high replay value. The game mechanics encourage strategic thinking and player interaction, making it a fun and competitive experience for families and friends. Overall, Ticket to Ride is considered a classic in the modern board gaming world, and is highly recommended for those who enjoy strategy games and light competition.


The top three features of Ticket to Ride are:

  1. Simple yet engaging gameplay — The game mechanics are easy to understand, making it accessible for players of all ages, while still providing a challenging and competitive experience.
  2. High replay value — The game has many possible routes and strategies, making it different each time it is played, leading to high replay value.
  3. Beautiful board design — The game features a beautifully designed board that is both aesthetically pleasing and functional, providing players with a visually appealing experience while they play.


The top three drawbacks of Ticket to Ride are:

  1. Length of play — For some players, the game can feel long and drawn out, especially for those who are not invested in the strategy aspect of the game.
  2. Limited player interaction — While the game does encourage player interaction, some players may feel that the interaction is limited compared to other similar games.
  3. Setup time — Setting up the game and organizing the pieces can be time-consuming and may detract from the overall experience for some players.


Wingspan is a highly-regarded board game that has received positive reviews from players and critics alike. Here are a few of the key strengths of the game:

  1. Unique gameplay: Wingspan features a unique and engaging gameplay experience that combines elements of strategy, luck, and player interaction. Players collect and play cards representing different birds, each with their own special abilities and objectives, to try and score the most points by the end of the game.
  2. Attractive presentation: The game features beautiful artwork and high-quality components, including bird cards, dice, eggs, and wooden bird tokens, that help to create an immersive and enjoyable playing experience.
  3. Replayability: The game has multiple strategies for players to explore and the different bird cards and dice rolls can lead to a different outcome each time the game is played, making it highly replayable.
  4. Solo play and multiplayer options: Wingspan can be played with 1–5 players, making it a great option for both solo play and social gatherings.
  5. Easy to learn, difficult to master: Wingspan has simple rules that are easy to understand, but the game offers a challenging and engaging experience for players to master.

Overall, Wingspan is a well-designed and highly-regarded board game that offers a unique and engaging gameplay experience. Its combination of strategy, player interaction, and attractive presentation make it a fun and enjoyable game to play.


The top three features of the board game Wingspan are:

  1. Engaging gameplay: Wingspan combines elements of strategy, luck, and player interaction to create a unique and engaging gameplay experience.
  2. Attractive presentation: The game features beautiful artwork and high-quality components, including bird cards, dice, eggs, and wooden bird tokens, that help to create an immersive and enjoyable playing experience.
  3. Replayability: The game has multiple strategies for players to explore and the different bird cards and dice rolls can lead to a different outcome each time the game is played, making it highly replayable.


Wingspan is generally well-regarded by players and critics, but like all games, it has some drawbacks. Here are the top three drawbacks of the game:

  1. Length of playtime: Wingspan can take a longer time to play, particularly with more players. Some players may find this a drawback if they are looking for a shorter game.
  2. Complexity: While the rules of Wingspan are relatively easy to understand, the game can be challenging for some players, particularly those who are new to board games or strategy games.
  3. Player interaction: While Wingspan features some player interaction, it is not as heavily dependent on player interaction as some other games. This may be a drawback for players who are looking for a more social or competitive experience.

It is worth noting that these drawbacks are subjective and may not apply to all players. Overall, Wingspan is a well-regarded game with many strengths, and these drawbacks may not significantly impact the overall enjoyment of the game for most players.

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If you liked the list and are looking for even more reviews and board game information, check out the source of the article, my book: “ The Board Gamer’s Almanac: Your Guide to the Best Games Of 2023”. It has more than 500 pages of reviews and insights into more than 100 different games.



Per Damgaard Husted
The Board Gamer’s Almanac

Founder and CEO of HubWis. Know how to succeed in the Age of AI.