Petornas Twin Tower, Kuala Lumpur, with prisma vivid filter. Original photo: Vlad Shapocnikov, unsplash

I Waited 50 Years to Write this RFK Story

Another Astonishing Coincidence…the Collective Unconscious or… ?

Augusta Khalil Ibrahim
Published in
2 min readJun 8, 2017


I waited 50 years to write this story that I published on May 24 2017.

I was inspired to action by a tweet by Jeffrey Wright:

I saw with astonishment and shock this story from June 1 promoted on Medium’s front page when I logged out earlier:

interestingly, without RFK, MLK or Robert Kennedy tags.

This is called re-imagining and is perfectly legal and ethical. I don’t own this story and naturally Zat Rana requested permission from David Hume Kennerly to use his iconic photo of Robert Francis Kennedy, one of David’s favourite photos and one that was taken the evening he decided he wanted to be where the action was.

You DO need permission to use photos of this kind and I am sure Zat requested that permission. Otherwise Medium would NEVER have promoted it on their front page.

Funny that David Hume Kennerly isn’t named or credited for the photo, though.

Strange too, that there are no direct links to the original material.

Judge for yourself.

09 Feb 2018

Zat Rana had credited David Kennerly when I checked the article yesterday. However when I pursued the issue about whether he’d gotten permission he appeared to misunderstand the question and appeared to not know that he needed permission to use the photo.

Now he’s got a new photo on the article. Also not credited. He claims that it’s in the public domain.

The problem is that he got featured on Medium and used Kennerly’s photo without credit or permission to get publicity for his articles. So the damage is done now. Few people read old articles.

