Acacia Patience Bishop — Missing for 18 years or dead?

Her grandmother admitted to drowning the child but later told her parents she was alive and well.

Megan Benson
The Boneyard


Photo provided by National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (Age Progression of Acacia to Age 11)

This story is one of the more disturbing cases to me, I have a hard time when it comes to stories that involve children. Being a mother of two girls, and one that is the same age as Acacia when she went missing has made this even harder.

This is going to get a little messy as the details are a bit confusing in some parts, but here we go.

Acacia was abducted by her grandmother, 38-year-old Kelley Jean Lodmell, from her great-grandparents’ Salt Lake City, Utah home at 6:00 p.m. on May 25, 2003. At the time of her disappearance Acacia was 19 months old.

According to — Lodmell had previously taken Acacia without permission and hid her in a basement, and she was on supervised visitation with the baby when she abducted her in May 2003. Lodmell took Acacia when Acacia’s great-grandmother, left the room to put the vacuum away.

According to witnesses, Kelley headed to Idaho with Acacia, they were last seen together in Idaho Falls, Idaho on May 26, close to the Broadway overpass and green belt, next to the Snake River.



Megan Benson
The Boneyard

Utah. Mother. Urban Farmer. Teen Mom. Fitness. Family. Crime Junkie. TBI Survivor.