Who Murdered Polygamist Wife and Mother Carolyn Yvonne Kingston?

Polygamy marriage gone wrong or an outside job?

Megan Benson
The Boneyard


Polygamy to most is a forgotten word or even topic, people think it doesn’t happen anymore or don’t have much interest in it. If you live in Utah or watched any documentaries related to polygamy in Utah you’ve heard of the Kingston's. They are one of the most well known, powerful polygamy families in Utah. The Kingston family has also been referred to as The Order.

Who are the Kingston Clan? Well, they are perhaps the most wealthy of the fundamentalist Mormon sects. Charles Elden Kingston founded the sect in 1935 after the death of fundamentalist leader Joseph Broadbent. The families that now make up the FLDS and Centennial Park sects supported John Yeates Barlow to replace Joseph Broadbent, but the Kingston's disagreed with this and went their own way.

Like any fundamentalist Mormon sect, the Kingston Clan is very hierarchical. People in plural marriages and held above those aren’t. People who are members of the Kingston family by blood are held up higher than members of the Clan who are not also blood members of the Kingston family. Within the Kingston family, those who actually bear the Kingston surname are held above those who don’t (2, 3, 4th, etc. wives in the Kingston Clan choose a false surname for themselves and their children, only 1st wives and their children get to bear the husband/father’s surname), and first wives and their children are held above plural wives…



Megan Benson
The Boneyard

Utah. Mother. Urban Farmer. Teen Mom. Fitness. Family. Crime Junkie. TBI Survivor.