Book Review: The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared

The Analyst
The Book Analyst
Published in
2 min readDec 31, 2015

Author: Jonas Jonasson ( book link, book link)

Language: English

Verdict: Good

After one reads an author’s book and like it, the next sensible thing to do is to read the same authors first best selling book. And that is what I did. After I read ‘The girl who saved the king of Sweden’ I read ‘The hundred-year-old man who climbed out of the window and disappeared.’ I love to say the name of this books, and that drawn me read them in the first place.

This story reminds me of our beloved Ghona Da. I found only one difference, since Ghona Da narrates his own tales, they sound make belief; hoever here in this book the story comes from a narrator thus makes it the true life story of Allan the hundred-year-old man.

It is a lovely story, how a single man can create history, like Forrest from Forrest Gump. Let me tell you a little about this man.

Allan is mild nature person, who likes to drink his vodka and to blow up things. He was the man, who was behind the success of America’s first atom bomb. He was the man who slipped the science behind atomic bomb to Russia and helped them build their own. He served in many war, he met many rulers, from dictators to socialist to communists to republicans to democrats… He made history without even ever being mentioned in it.

But now at present he is in run from his old-age home with a suitcase full of money and a gang of gangsters behind him. The question is will he survive this last adventure of his life? Or wait, will this be his last adventure? You have to read it to find it out.

What I most linked about Allan is that his calmness. He shows same calmness while he is working his butt out in a Siberian concentration camp and while he his chilling under a parasol in the beaches of Bali. He takes life as it comes and been angry only once in his life.

A good story to read, I will watch the movie next :) .

P.S. The movie was not that good.

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