2022 Is for True Crime Lovers

B A Little - The Caffeinated Writer
The Book Cafe
Published in
4 min readFeb 5, 2022


The ‘‘true crime’’ genre has amassed an extensive audience.

Photo by David von Diemar on Unsplash

According to researchers Amanda M. Vicary and R. Chris Fraley. In their study, Women have been shown to be more drawn to true crime stories than men, they looked at online book reviews and learned that men were more likely to choose books about gang violence or war, while women were drawn to gruesome stories of crime. In a quote from their study:

In 1959 in a small town in Kansas, the bodies of four family members were found in their home. The father’s throat had been slit and the mother and two children had been shot through the head. The killers were on the run for weeks until they were finally arrested, tried, and, ultimately, hung for their crimes. Despite the horrific details of the case, Truman Capote’s book based on this crime, In Cold Blood, became a best seller. Indeed, since the publication of In Cold Blood in 1966, nonfiction books based on real crimes, including murder, robbery, and other crimes, have become extraordinarily popular. Although it might seem that these gruesome topics would have little appeal, the ‘‘true crime’’ genre has amassed an extensive audience.

If your taste runs toward social horror, dark fantasy, contemporary espionage, fair play mysteries, or absurdly entertaining psychological thrillers, then congrats, for 2022 is the year for you.



B A Little - The Caffeinated Writer
The Book Cafe

Writer, reader, copywriter, photographer, retired teacher, cancer journey. Read All About It, True Crime Thirst, Finance Everyday, Mental Health CH. Top Writer