7 Unconventional Ways to Choose Your Next Book to Read

Crack Your Reading Bias by This Avant-garde Strategy

Isabelle Flückiger
The Book Cafe


Photo by Mikhail Nilov from Pexels

Forget all the streaming and social media platforms. People read books. The time people read books increased again.

Books rock!

At some point, I got tired and bored with the books I read. It felt as I would have read their content the already 17th time.

I am scrolling through Amazon.

Amazon’s book recommendations do not help. I only see the never-ending ever similar recommendations. Deleting my cookies does not help either. Typing “book recommendations” into a search browser does also not give the expected results. Without expectations, I look impatiently through the various book lists. It is a monotonous and uniform picture. It helps me nothing, but purely nothing.

While reading more than 30 books a year, I go through this maelstrom of emotions every few weeks, and despite enhanced practice in searching books, it does not get better.

You are what you read.

If you read what others read, you are like the others but not different. If you read similar books all the time, you inevitably have a reading (and knowledge) bias.



Isabelle Flückiger
The Book Cafe

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