A Little Book With a Big Message

Words to Work By is a book for the workplace and beyond

Bebe Nicholson
The Book Cafe


Photo by Alabaster Co on Unsplash

Have you ever clashed with somebody at work, endured a manager who undermined your efforts, been the brunt of hateful gossip or worked for a corporation that pitted people against each other?

Chances are, most of us have experienced or observed these and other detrimental behaviors.

I remember managers who took credit for my accomplishments, people who stole from the company, and times when my ideas were overlooked or scorned.

That’s why Jacquelyn Lynn’s book, Words to Work By, would have been a tremendous asset as I navigated the pitfalls of the work environment. It’s a little book that packs a powerful punch, not only for employees, but for the rest of us.

The author, Jacquelyn Lynn: Twitter Photo

Words to Work By consists of 31 devotions for the workplace based on the Book of Proverbs, but it is applicable to life beyond work.

Jacquelyn begins each chapter with a proverb, then relates it to a brief story or situation. For example, in one chapter she tells about her date with an attractive, articulate man. When they arrive at a restaurant and…



Bebe Nicholson
The Book Cafe

Writer, editor, publisher, journalist, author, columnist, believer in enjoying my journey and helping other people enjoy theirs. bknicholson@att.net