3 Motivational Books to Inspire You To Take Action

Sometimes I prefer to get pep talks from books rather than people.

Călina Mureșan
The Book Cafe


Photo by Evelyn Chong

We all need the occasional pep talk when we feel stuck or like nothing we do matters. We can’t always get it from the people around us, but books always got your back. Here are three books that I found highly motivational. But, remember that just reading these won’t be enough. The information might not even be new to you. Most of the time we know what we should be doing, but hearing or reading what we need in the right format and tone that ignites some fire in us can make us start. Here we go:

1. The Motivation Manifesto: 9 Declarations to Claim Your Personal Power by Brendon Burchard

As the title of the book says, this is actually a motivation manifesto. It’s not a book that offers tips and tricks or advice, it asks questions and looks at being motivated as a choice. It uses rhetoric and poetic language to inspire and excite. For me, it was the perfect ‘speech’ when I felt down. It didn’t give me any tremendous insights about life, but it made me take some actions that I’ve stopped doing, so from that point of view the book served its purpose. If you are usually annoyed by motivational speeches, this might not be your piece of cake, but…



Călina Mureșan
The Book Cafe

I am all about wellness, fitness and mindset. Sharing the struggles & pleasures of becoming better. The code is written in your lifestyle. calinamuresan.com