The Book Café. Important Update. Please Read.

Also, omg, crazy read time here already. Thank you!

Linda Caroll
The Book Cafe


When life gives you lemons, make lemonade! // photo licensed from Deposit Photos

First of all — holy wow — thank you!

This little pub just went up Monday and we have 3K hours of read time on our stories, over 100 writers and over 200 followers.

Book lovers are awesome!

Short, but super important. A little snafu came up. Please read this carefully…

When I launched The Book Café, I intended to make everyone editors so we could all publish our own stories. No waiting for a submission queue.

That’s how The Partnered Pen works (another publication here)

My goal was to create the same kind of publication, but for book lovers.

Turns out, nope. Medium now only allows 30 editors per publication. I reached out to support, and that’s just how it works now. We can’t all be editors. Not possible because of system limitations.

We can still make this work.

We just need to work together.

1) Please check if you are a writer or editor

First — scroll to the bottom of this page and check the list. :)

