The Magic that Harry Potter is to Me!

Human truths that I learned from my favourite series

Subahan Rachippala
The Book Cafe
5 min readJun 1, 2023


Hogwarts Castle: Photo by Jules Marvin Eguilos on Unsplash

I watched Harry Potter as a kid about 15 years ago. I was awe-struck by the world J. K. Rowling, the author had created. It is about a boy named Harry Potter and his friends who go to a magic school called Hogwarts. And how they defeat the Dark Lord that threatens to destroy the world. I enjoyed those movies with all the enthusiasm of a child.

Ten years later, I watched them again. This time on a marathon run. I completed all eight movies in two days. All I did in those two days was eat, sleep, and watch Harry Potter. I was hungry for more.

I couldn’t get enough of that world. So I started reading the books one by one. Not in the habit of reading back then, I found it tough for a few pages. Once the momentum had set in, I didn’t stop until I had finished all seven books. And I’ve not stopped reading ever since.

When I watched them as a kid (the first four of them), I was held in thrall by the magical world. But when I watched all of them again, I connected with that universe on an emotional level.

I enjoyed the books even more. In a novel, an author has more room for exploring the details of the story and its setting. The books deal with the scenes in great detail and we get to know the backstories of the characters in more depth.

Of course, the directors are bound by run time and many other budget and logistical constraints. I have nothing against the directors. I fell in love with this world even deeper through the books. I would like to share the things that I learned and understood through this story.

A Murderer kills himself too

At one point, Harry, Sirius(his Godfather), and Lupin have the traitor Peter Pettigrew at their mercy. Peter Pettigrew is the one who betrayed Harry’s parents and is the reason for their death. Harry, even at his tender age, decides to spare his life. Despite Sirius’ urge to avenge his friends’ death.

To have the power to kill someone (the person you’ve been wronged by) and not exercise it takes a kind heart and an enormous amount of compassion.

When a person kills someone, a part of that person dies too. He/She becomes less human.

Elders: Our guardian angels

Draco Malfoy, the boy whose father is on the side of evil. His family, out of fear, joins the side of the Dark Lord. This boy Draco is given the job of murdering the headmaster of the school. The headmaster, Albus Dumbledore, aware of all the conspiracy that is going on to kill him, decides to save the kid from the torture of killing him.

He asks Severus Snape to take that task upon himself. When asked why he thought so, the headmaster says, “The boy’s soul is not that damaged yet to bring himself to kill me. If he kills me, that act will break his soul”. My respect for elders who have seen enough life grew immensely. Only elders possess that kind of magnanimity.

Even in the face of death, that old man tries to help that helpless kid upon whom fell this misfortune. As young people, we do not completely understand elderly people and their thoughts. Parents and elders are the invisible angels that safeguard us in ways we do not know. And take the pleasure of finding out about Severus Snape for yourself!

Friendship: A precious gift bestowed upon mankind

Harry, Ron, and Hermione. These three strike a friendship almost instantly and their friendship continues to grow deeper as they grow older. They stay together and sail together through all the adversities that come their way. They always have each other’s back. I understood how great a blessing it is to have such friends.

When Harry discloses to them the grave danger that he was in, they start worrying about his safety rather than theirs. This shows us the love they have for one another.

Without friendship and love, life would be very unbearable. Lucky are the ones who have such friends. Life feels less hostile and less burdensome when you have such people as friends. Their acts of companionship, generosity, and compassion are a joy to read and feel.

Nothing is greater than a Mother’s love

Love serves as the driving force throughout the series. There are three mothers in the story who prove that a mother’s love is the most powerful thing in the world.

Photo by guille pozzi on Unsplash

When he was an infant, his mother Lily Potter saved him by casting herself in between Harry and Voldemort (her murderer, also known as Dark Lord). Through her sacrifice, she gave her son the protection that would protect him from the touch of evil(Voldemort). The kind-hearted personality that he had inherited from his mother helped him forge friendships that would last a lifetime. “Like your mother, you are unfailingly kind Harry”, remarks his headmaster.

When we are loved so deeply, even though the person who loved us is gone, their love will give us some protection forever.

-Albus Dumbledore

Molly Weasley, his friend Ron’s mother, raises Harry as her own son. The magnanimous woman, even in her not-so-well-off condition, looks after Harry with motherly affection. She remembers to knit a sweater for Harry too when she knits one for her son. She doesn’t hold back in making sure Harry ate his fill. She calls Harry over for the summer holidays.

Also, she is one of the reasons why Harry remained emotionally intact through his adolescent years. Children who are deprived of foster care in their childhood and adolescence suffer an almost irreversible emotional damage. Such children have a tendency to become anti-social. Ron’s mother saves him from this emotional turmoil.

And finally Narcissa Malfoy, Draco’s mother, in a very unexpected circumstance saves Harry. Despite her family’s inclination towards the dark side, she somehow has some humanity left in her. In a precarious situation where a slightly unwary move means death, she saves the life of Harry in exchange for information about her son’s well-being.

All these instances prove that a mother’s love is the greatest thing in all worlds and all creation.

Final thoughts

Reading the Harry Potter series has had an indelible impact on me. It enriched me emotionally and taught me some life lessons too. I urge everyone to read this series. You’ll not be the same person that you were before reading it. It has been an emotionally rewarding experience.

To an extent, it has shaped my personality. Even today, whenever I feel a little low or dejected, I read some favourite chapters from these books.

I’m forever indebted to J. K. Rowling for creating this world.

However much I may write about this series, I cannot express completely what it means to me. I feel I’m lucky to be born in this era and be able to witness this story cast its spell all over the world. If you’ve come this far, I think you too will enjoy reading this series. If you’ve already read it, let me know what you feel about it.



