This One Book Will Make You Fall In Love With LifešŸ’—

you should try it at least onceā€¦

Supritha Kamalanathan
The Book Cafe
5 min readJul 17, 2022


Image by author

To the book lovers out there !! You might understand thisā€¦

We tend to read a lot of books right?ā€¦amongst which we will have our favourite collections as well as some which were not up to our tasteā€¦

But, there will be some which will unstoppably take a special place in our hearts, some that are the first to come to our minds whenever we think about books and some that can never be replaced.

This is one such book for meā€¦

And in this article I would like to share with you my takeaways from the book

ā€œ the MAGIC ā€œ

- by Rhonda Byrne

A Gist of the Bookā€¦

The entire book revolves around one particular word ā€œGRATITUDEā€. The author takes the readers through a 28 day journey with a magical practice to be performed on each day.

As I already said before, this book is all about expressing gratitude and at the end of the 28th day you will have thanked yourself, your body, your family, your friends, the things that are special to you and even the things that you desire but have not yet received.

This book is a part of the Secret series by Rhonda Byrne and connects gratitude with The Law Of Attraction. It provide a way to improve your relationship with yourself and with others and to receive all the things that you ever desired.

NOTE: If you ask me if I believe in the Law Of Attraction, the answer is yes. Some consider it really ridiculous to believe that just thinking about something will somehow miraculously bring it to us. But there lies our mistake !! It is not just just about what we think, it is about our feelings towards it, our desire for it and whether we believe that we truly deserve it. This will make us take the actions that has the power to attract whatever you desire into your life.

And sometimes miracles do happen as well, you just have to have the eyes to look into it, believe it and enjoy it (I am a great fan of fiction, so I am crazy about the mere word ā€˜MIRACLESā€™!!). Everything doesnā€™t necessarily have to be logicalā€¦ just go with the flow :)


After completing the 28 day journey here are my top 4 learnings from the bookā€¦

1. There is more to life than just a never ending craze for material possessionsšŸ’—

Throughout these 28 days, when I started paying attention and appreciating everything around me, I started realizing life is totally not about material things.

All material things are just a part and parcel of life. We might have it one day, and loose it another day. We might like it today, and not like it tomorrow. In simple words, it is NOT PERMANENT.

But, do not mistake me, they ARE important. You do need a house, you do need a car, you do need a phone etc.

What you need to understand is that,

Never let your life revolve around material things. Never let your happiness depend on it. Never let those transitory things take your attention from the love and kindness surrounding you, love which will never leave you, which will always surround you in one form or the other.

2. Look around you, every small thing your eyes capture is a gift in itselfšŸ’—

There is this one particular morning practice in the book which I loved doing and I still do. For the first 10 min after you wake up, you need to express gratitude to everything you set your eyes uponā€¦ for example, your bed, your water bottle, your brush, toothpaste etc.

This might seem simple, but what we forget is these are a few basic things that some people might not even have access to. So we are blessed, arenā€™t we?

I find that every time I do this simple practice, I get a new boost of energy and enthusiasm, I feel ready to face whatever the day has got for me and this gets me out of my sleepy state.

And after doing it a couple of times, I began to wonder at how many beautiful things I have left unnoticedā€¦this is why I say ā€œyou have gifts all around you, you just donā€™t take the time to see itā€

3. Your only constant companion throughout your life will be yourselfā€¦so you deserve all the love in your heartšŸ’—

In this book, there are a few days out of the 28 which are dedicated entirely to yourself. I loved those days. Here is what it made me thinkā€¦

We spend a lot of time trying to make others happy. We spend a lot of time wanting to impress others. We spend a lot of time making sure that others feel comfortable around usā€¦ But, do we spend even a minute thinking about how we make ourselves feel ?

Mostly, we continuously BERATE ourselves for not being the perfect one out there. We CRITICIZE ourselves for even a small mistake that we make and to be honest, this is not right and if you do this, then you completely donā€™t deserve yourself.

This book provided me a way to see through the veil of high standards that I had set for myself. It allowed me to see myself as I am with all my perfect imperfections and feel happy about it.

4. Never take people around you for granted, they might be the missing pieces of your puzzlešŸ’—

Here, in this book, you will find that a few days are entirely dedicated to thank all the people who mean something to you.

We most of the times tend to complain about what our friends and families donā€™t do for us without thinking about everything they do.

These practices allowed me to recollect all the things my parents, my grandparents, relatives and friends have done for me.

I kind of felt the relationship string between us strengthening when I realized just how much they mean to me.

The author Rhonda Byrne, also states through her words that even if a current relationship is not going well, you can use gratitude to change the course of the relationship into what you desire.

Again, it is all about belief. If you think the Law of Attraction is crazy, then it isā€¦

Those who donā€™t believe in magic will never find it

- Roald Dahl

With this I would like to wind up this article !!

Hope you liked itā€¦ I would also very much like to know your opinions on this !!

I wish you a very Happy day !!

Keep SmilingšŸ˜Š



Supritha Kamalanathan
The Book Cafe

A teenšŸ’•... building a small empire with my words :) Exploring the depths of everything life has to offer | curious ponderings | vivid humour