10 Best Self-help Books of All Time

The Book Channel
Published in
9 min readMay 28, 2020

Self-help books are getting popular all the more, way ahead than the fiction. The other name for self-help books is personal growth and who doesn’t love growth…isn’t it? The foray of Self-help books is new as compared to fiction, however, they are always in demand. Every year more than 24 million Americans earn an estimated amount of $776 millions, from the sales of the book. Not just there, in fact, these books are getting popular in all countries.

You should consider reading some of the best self-help books of all time if you are going through some personal problems or if you have any weaknesses that you want to improve or just you believe in self-care or grooming and a few more aspects.

Today, there are many best self-help books available in the market. In case you want to improve yourself and are looking for some best self-help books, you have the best list going right down your nose.

  1. How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie is one of the best self-help books of all time. According to Carnegie, successes generally follow those who can communicate effectively. Dale Carnegie thus emphasizes these skills by making you understand how to value people and make them feel appreciated.

This self-help book by Dale Carnegie is considered to be one of the best books of the 20th century and is a must-read for people who are introverted or find it difficult to communicate with others. Just by spending some time practising these tips, you would be able to understand how to carry-on conversations effectively. You would no longer feel uncomfortable or nervous while talking to people as you would have several ideas on how to start a conversation and keep it going. The fundamentals of human interactions are timeless and this is the reason that this book has been around for more than seventy years.

2. Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki

Kiyosaki addresses the ‘financial literacy’ which is generally not addressed in schools. Rich Dad, Poor Dad talks about two fathers. One of the struggles from paycheck to paycheck for his whole life who Kiyosaki has referred to as “poor dad” and the other one is a multimillionaire whom he refers to as “rich dad”. The idea behind the book is that while rich people have money working for them, the poor workers have to work for money.

The expressions “rich” and “poor” have been used by Kiyosaki to explain the kind of behaviour that is preferable for having financial freedom. It also states that you should not judge yourself on your current state of finances or riches. Being one of the best self-help books, it encourages you to save money as well as accumulate assets that can ultimately replace the income that you make through your employment.

Rich Dad, Poor Dad is a must-read book for changing a person’s negative beliefs on money or to understand how money can work for an individual. Rich Dad, Poor Dad is also quite inspirational, as it portrays a way of life that can fulfil the dreams of being free and independent.

3. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey

Stephen R. Covey presents an integrated, holistic, and principle-centred approach for solving professional and personal problems. The book has powerful insights and reveals a pathway to live with integrity, fairness, service, as well as human dignity–principles. Such anecdotes give the reader security while adapting to change as well as the power and wisdom for taking advantage of the opportunities that might be created due to those changes.

The ‘7 Habits of Highly Effective People’ is a reference to the skills of effective communication, personal development as well as successful interaction. At no point does Covey claim that an instant miracle can be produced. He rather conveys that with practice, a gradual process of transition can give us the required tools for making positive and radical changes. Covey also shows how to explore our philosophies, the parameters which we set for ourselves as well as how to deal with problems. You get to know your most genuine, deep-rooted, and long-term values.

Covey sets out a step-by-step approach for being successful while defining how to lead a way of life based on integrity, ethics, common sense, and wisdom. The laws of success that have been outlined in The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People are universal and apply to different areas of life.

4. The Road Less Traveled by M Scott Peck

Scott Peck brings you a book that is going to wake you up and gives you some candid lessons of life. The timeless teachings from ‘The Road Less Traveled’ help one in exploring the nature of loving relationships and leads us to peace and fulfilment. One also learns how to differentiate dependency on love and how to be a sensitive parent. You would also learn how to be one’s true self.

The Road Less Travelled is a classic book that might seem a bit earnest to some, however, it is full of life-changing and eye-opening insights. This is a giant of the self-help canon that has sold more than seven million copies across the globe and has even entered the public idiom. In short, once a person admits that life can be difficult, the fact doesn’t remain a great consequence. Accept responsibility would help you in making better choices in life.

5. The 9 Colours of Vibrant Women by Ramya R. Moorthy

The 9 colours of Vibrant Women is an inspirational sequel of the book, A Journey in Search of Happiness and it urges everyone to be strong and passionate to live a meaningful and extra-ordinary life. The book emphasizes on the need for special personality traits in millennial women.

The book, though uses a festival in the background, provides an agnostic message about the need for diverse personality traits and urges readers to discover the value of self-leadership. This book would serve as an INSPIRATIONAL AID for personal growth — to live up to our dreams by realizing our passion and potential.

With 45+ real life examples of game-changer INDIAN WOMEN PERSONALITIES, the book portrays how a woman can lead a fulfilling life by pursuing their PASSION.

6. Man’s Search for Meaning by Victor Frankl

The author, Viktor Frankl, was a psychology and neurology professor who had set out a theory for life in his book ‘Man’s Search for Meaning’. He argues that, while decisions related to life or death can seem to depend on the flip of a coin, belief in the fact that life has a purpose or meaning can encourage even prisoners to fight for their survival during dark times.

Man’s Search for Meaning has fascinated generations of people with its detailed descriptions about the life of prisoners in the Nazi death camps and its lessons related to spiritual survival. Frankl also claims that although one cannot avoid suffering, however, you can choose how to deal with it, find meaning, and then move ahead with a renewed purpose.

Victor Frankl helps you recognize the significance of caring about someone or something. It is a great read for people who are going through psychological pain, financial or emotional hardship and are looking for meaning and purpose at such testing times. Although this might not be a comforting or easy read, it gives some important and rewarding lessons about life.

7. The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale

Through his book, Dr Peale enlists 10 simple rules that can help in gaining confidence, 5 techniques for overcoming defeat, 3 magical secrets for vigour, and much more. He proves with The Power of Positive Thinking that attitude can help you in changing lives, becoming successful, and overcoming any obstacle.

The main principles of The Power of Positive Thinking can be easily moved from the original place and time and applied to your present life. It is a refreshing book as it does not have any gimmicky techniques. The Power of Positive Thinking is recommended for people of different age groups who worry about every single obstacle and often go to bed thinking about the problems about the next day.

8. The Magic of Thinking Big by David J. Schwartz

The Magic of Thinking Big by Schwartz is about ‘getting ahead’, and pays attention to how to exponentially increase one’s income, make that dream home a reality, or how to get your kids a high-class education. It also tells the readers how to look, think, and feel ‘important’.

Using The Magic of Thinking Big, many people across the world have improved their lives. Schwartz’s teachings would help you in selling better, leading a more effective life, earning more money, and finding more happiness as well as peace of mind. He also proves that one does not require an innate talent for achieving success but needs to understand the thinking habits and behaviour patterns of people to get there.

9. Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway by Susan Jeffers

Most of us have fears about something or the other. Susan Jeffers gives you a chance to push through your fear once and for all. With Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway, readers would learn how to move from being a victim to a creator. The book contains a 10-step process for turning off negative thinking and helps in bringing more meaning to your life by helping you overcome your fears.

Susan Jeffers also explains that you do not need to do all the exercises to gain the benefits by reading this book, even a simple read would reveal a lot. Although many people might claim that some ideas in Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway are redundant, however, it is a must-read for the people who are looking to regain their self-confidence.

10. Awaken the Giant Within by Anthony Robbins

Awaken the Giant Within by Tony Robbins is considered one of the best self-help books for a long time. Robbins has listed some of the most effective techniques and strategies for mastering one’s body, emotions, relationships, finances, as well as life using a step-by-step program. The program teaches self-mastery which enables an individual to discover his or her true purpose and take control of their life.

The book by Tony Robbins is one of those that can change your life. Such gems are rare, but also unique for each individual. This is an overwhelming read that teaches you about yourself and makes you want to change along with providing the necessary tools to do so.



The Book Channel

Bibliophile! Compulsive reader! Writer and editor @ The Book Channel Publication.