Book Review: Born To Be King (The Epic of Kautilya) by Deepak Thomas

The Book Channel
Published in
2 min readMay 18, 2019

I didn’t know much about fantasy novels until I watched movies like Lord of the Rings and The Huntsman: Winter’s War. The kind of epic landscape, snow-clad trees and mountains, far-spread gorges, unending forest, and serpentine rivers…my heart goes gala with the sight. I watched more movies and got addicted. When the list of movies ended, I turned towards fantasy fiction, and I am confessing that this is way greater addiction than of movies. The charming thing in fantasy fiction never dies…till very end. Even if you finish watching movie or reading a novel, you heart asks for its sequel right away.

Anyway, talking about fantasy fiction — this genre is hot on my TBR list for last two years. I have read so many books and lately got time to finish this Born To Be King (The Epic of Kautilya) in 5 hours. Thanks to the author, it was such a fast-paced narration. For a change of mind and imagination, I deliberately took this book, as it sprang from Indian land and contains healthy piece of Indian mythology that makes up for the most of the backdrop.

A fantasy… Indian way is way cooler than European mountains and gothic churches. Commotion among kingdoms, dust-offs between kings and queens and other ministers, I mean a whole new set of drama unfolds every corner. This story is about a young princess Kautilya. She is high on intellectualism and believes that she can change the world by ink, not by sword. Yes, the fight is for the kingdom. As you guessed right, the kingdom should go into right set of hands. Kautilya does not lust after the throne, however, when her five elder brothers snatch the throne by killing her father, she is left with only two options: either to join their gang or revolt against them. She chooses the latter and consequences of that are way too terrific. She is imprisoned…but a wonderful and equally treacherous journey awaits her to alter her destiny, to fulfill her vow to her father. Who is going to win…and who is going to bite the dust? Even you know the results…you should know how that happens…that runs like a saga. Yes, you got the right fantasy…all elements as usual but this time it is spiced up with Indian mythology. Great read. Great work by the author Deepak Thomas.



The Book Channel

Bibliophile! Compulsive reader! Writer and editor @ The Book Channel Publication.