Book Review: Sadhana Who Stalked Her? by Spandana Chakradhar

The Book Channel
Published in
2 min readApr 28, 2019

It’s difficult to write about this novel because it would lead me to give away too much of the plot which might be disadvantageous to those who have not read this book. Thus, in this review I am expressing my thoughts build around this book.

Sadhana, a young working woman, feels that she is being stalked by an unknown person in Delhi. As the list of people in her life increases (office and personal), the intricacies related to stalking also increases. Many strange events occur in her life for over two years. Two men fall for her but according to me their presence didn’t help her to fight off the stalking. Even police intervention was just a formality. Who stalks her and why, fills the rest of the narration. Will she fight alone or some man hero will support her? To know the entire story of Sadhana, you got to read it with your own pace. To make the most out of the crime thrillers, read them with unhurried pace.

The kind of detailing and depth given to the main character, along with a good guy and a bad guy just pulls you in, right from the beginning of the novel. Folks who love fast-read thriller with optimum details, depth, and description of places and people’s eccentricities, this book is definitely worth.

Having read Sidney Sheldon, Daniel Silva, Colin Dexter and few more writers, I found this book at par with those writers and unarguably it sets a classic example of how a thriller must be written. The novel is slimy and brightly edited to endure the narration. There is no redundant word vomit or pages written that stray the readers from the main plot. The book also touches upon various problems a woman undergo in her personal and professional life. Another important theme that resonates in the book is how a childhood trauma (as Sadhana sees no support from her father since early days) can shape the mind of youth and how the inner trauma can explode and have ramifications when they become adults.

To me, there aren’t glaring cons in the story. It is a fast, engaging, and emotionally draining book that is highly recommended for people looking to read works on stalking and women safety.



The Book Channel

Bibliophile! Compulsive reader! Writer and editor @ The Book Channel Publication.