Book Review — Unlock the Wealth Mindset by Reena Saxena

The Book Channel
Published in
2 min readJun 15, 2024

Reading books to improve financial literacy and efficiency is a great idea to boost up your financial and money managing IQ level. However, I would suggest such books from finance coaches and mentors only, those who have engaged and worked in banking and investment. These books make you really grow fast in life.

Well in that context, I’ve got a perfect book for you. Unlock the Wealth Mindset by Reena Saxena.

This won’t make you sleepy neither it will make you feel like studying for the master’s degree in finance. Simple explanations, practical tips and easy to apply blueprint is what this book is about.

If you’re looking for a get-rich-quick scheme, this book ain’t for you. It is about unlocking habit patterns that differentiate between being rich and feel rich. Amazing short stories explain a lot about financial destiny of people. The best story was of a boy who sold something to have an ice cream, and the other one went on putting a shop of ironing and laundry.

But if you want to build a sustainable and growing wealth over the time without slipping into complexities and financial jargons, you must read this book!

I am sharing with you what I learnt from this short yet important book:

Save First, Spend Later: Discover the magic of prioritizing saving over spending, setting the foundation for a secure financial future.

Live Like a Millionaire: Uncover practical tips on how to live a rich life without drowning in unnecessary expenses.

Go Slow to Go Fast: Learn the art of patience in your financial journey, taking deliberate steps for long-term success.

Be a Cheapskate: Embrace frugality as a superpower, making every penny count towards your financial goals.

Write Stuff: Explore the benefits of documenting your financial journey, creating a roadmap for success.

Inflation: Understand the silent thief of wealth and strategies to safeguard your money against its eroding effects.

Think Long Term: Shift your mindset to see the bigger picture, focusing on sustainable wealth-building practices.

Use Money Wisely: How to gain insights into making informed and strategic decisions with your finances.

Learn the Power of Nudge: Master the art of gently nudging your financial habits in the right direction for positive change.

This book is like having a financial mentor at your coffee table — casual, friendly & immensely insightful. You’ll find yourself nodding along as the author weaves wisdom and common sense into every chapter, making financial freedom feel like an achievable and enjoyable adventure. A great pick for anyone looking to make their money work harder and smarter for them!

The book is available to buy from Amazon and Kindle.



The Book Channel

Bibliophile! Compulsive reader! Writer and editor @ The Book Channel Publication.