What are Some Beautiful Books that You Should Consider Reading in 2023?

The Book Channel
Published in
7 min readDec 28, 2022

Every book that you take up for reading is beautiful with its message. It not only has the power to change your life but also equips you with knowledge that you might not aware of earlier. A wise plan of reading books is to read from as many as possible genres such as historical, spirituality, mythology, romance, fantasy and so on. I am prompting a small list of books that I had read in last few months, despite they are not from mainstream popularity still carries strong vibes to entertain and influence you. In their essence, the books are beautiful.


Krishna Series: The Beginning by Kapil Dabur: It’s a fantastic mythological retelling. The book exactly narrates the events before the birth of Krishna and his initial growing days. The novel depicts that when a high power person is about to take birth on earth, its energy changes. People and kingdoms of Mahajanpad ran pell-mell, they did not know whether to accept it or reject it. Anyways, the novel focuses the life of Kansa, the future enemy of Krishna. It is a terrific page-turner mythology to offer something new from Hindu scriptures based on Krishna’s life.


The Blue Jinx (A Gemstone Murder Mystery) by Nisha Thakur: It’s a terrific page-turner murder mystery. You may sigh in appreciation for the author for putting a great show of crime thriller without a dead body. The subject dies two years ago, and some members of the family lie about it, accepting it as fate. However, the daughter Samara and one employee Nikhil solves the riddle with their own ways and tactics.

Written in a Bollywood style, the story was easy going and good. Its twists are special; they pop out from time to time, keeping readers glued till its very end. The narration is not open with multiple POVs, it keeps the story balanced and compact and characters are fully fleshed out, giving no persona of shallowness. They were as real as the investigators mission to find out the truth. The novel is staged against Nasik, in India, however, it reads like a proper crime cum murder mystery as written by someone foreign veteran author. A perfect thriller for beginners, easy-to-read and entertaining!


Porus by Roopesh Tiwari: An astounding historical fiction about three kings and kingdoms. The novel is vast and intense. It encompasses historical saga from Greece, Persia, and Bharat (India). However, it roots for the rising and making of one of India’s less heard kings Purushottam, in short Porus. The novel delves deep in the skins of that time (4th BCE) and sheds light on the earlier life stages of all three characters that become great kings in their regions. Alexandra was not accepted by his father, owing to infidelity of her mother. Porus and his family was wiped out by the Magadha King Nanda and his brother Ugrasen. Porus lived a life of outlaw in the jungles before taking his revenge and then headed towards the kingdom, who is seen as someone a strong contender of the throne. In Persia, the Shah Darius has to eliminate renegades to rise the ladder of kingdom’s ultimate position. Porus is the first book in the series. In upcoming books it will bring Alexandra to Porus in India, where both will see each other in the deciding battlefield.


Beyond the Father by Opëshum Patroz: A fast-paced sci-fi fantasy thriller set in some other planet named: Xyber. It’s the first book in an 8-book series. The debut author builds ambience on the planet for future books. The story grapples readers with a unique philosophy that is as much as strange to its citizens as to readers. The engaging narrative traverses in all directions, telling the tales sometimes from Mollards, at times takes the account of Non-Mollards. These two types of citizens are vying for existence pattern, while Mollards are machines, and Non-Mollards humans with feelings and aspirations. The chilling rivalry between them set the tone and tempo of the novel.


Me No Pause, Me Play by Manoj Kumar Sharma: A societal contemporary novel about two women and one man. The story revolves around Dolly and her husband Rajat. The former is a kind-hearted woman who suffers major medical complications during the Menopause phase in her life. On the other hand, her husband Rajat is socially stoic; caring only about his promotion and work. As the situation changes, a doctor figure Jasmona enters their life, she does some R & D with her parent Dolly that also has positive effect on Rajat. He begins changing for good. It is a fun yet socially driven book written in favour of supporting women who undergo Menopause phase in life.


The Lotus, The Rose, The Lily by Yogie Chandra Tatvaraj: This short book simply uplifts the level of life through its light spiritual messages drawing from nature. As the title suggests, the author builds an air of preaching for humans who can take great lessons from flowers like lotus that leaves mud below but shines in full capacity. The rose is about emotions and seeing life struggling for betterment after going through thrones as they are in rose plants. The lily fosters detachment. This flower is never dependent on comforts and care of a garden. The lily loves wilderness like a saint who roams across the world with no pretentions. The objective of the book is to compel us to lead a better life by taking references and inspiration from nature that is pure and beautiful in its essence. The book also dwells on its philosophy that the author shares with short quotes and mini stories. Overall, it is a book that can give you a smooth mental ride over your seething feelings.


Sight of Vision by Ramu Upadhaya: It perfectly sums up the mechanism of our society in the garb of fictional tales when it comes to life and its allied commitments via relationships and friendship and much more. The book reads as someone watching an elevated drama on concurrent relationships. Much of the focus has been given on true love over just filial bonding. The way Ramu Upadhaya writes is highly commendable. No matter the content is coherent and philosophical, but it is full of insights that cannot be assembled by doing any amount of research over the years.


A Wall of Sand by Mohammad Ali: A Kindle-published romance novel set in Palestine-Israel border city Gaza City; quintessentially the story transcends many political speculations. The pace and building blocks of the story are subtle, it goes unlike any news report where you are assuming that both sides are shelling rockets and the love is sizzling in bunkers. It isn’t like Enemy at the Gates movie.

The author stages the tale of pure love by taking Fahd from Palestine and Leah from Israel. They are not only politically opposite but also differ in religion, faith, and status. Despite inconsistency of class and creed and social status, the pure love blooms. Don’t look at the political discrepancies the author presents a love story that truly transcends its borders. Amazing mid slow-paced read…it will win your heart for the sake of love.


Arihant Dehumanized by Shubhan Balvally: This is the third book in the Android Robot Arihant Series. Among all three, this is the most terrific novel in terms of story and climaxes. The first part was back dropped against the state level Maharashtra, the second at national level, now this one is at international level. The novel opens up with Operation Ice Sweep which is about conflict of Siachen Glaciar and other posts between India and Pakistan.

This novel deals with Iron Soldiers i.e. Android Robots who will fight at the border against enemies. The gains limelight when the Android robot Arihant is being humanizes. How will a robot behave when turned into a human being? Emotions and melodrama and a lot of adventure!!



The Book Channel

Bibliophile! Compulsive reader! Writer and editor @ The Book Channel Publication.