15 Helpful Style Guides for Fiction Writers

How do you know what’s correct?

Lynda Dietz
The Book Mechanic


Image credit: Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Writers and editors often rely on a shelf (or five) full of resources to make their work as consistent and accurate as possible. I have a page of helpful writing resources, in fact, right on my website, that lists books I own and use regularly. (Note: my resources page contains affiliate links.)

There are more I haven’t listed yet, but that’s because I don’t recommend what I’ve not looked through myself. As a result, the list keeps changing and growing as I make my way through the TBR pile, which is wonderful.

In the editor groups I belong to, there’s often an inquiry about a particular word or style that prompts the exchange of style guides that are so useful, you’ll want to bookmark them. There are many that are purchase-only, but this list contains fifteen pretty decent free guides that will help you on your writing journey.

As book editors, we continually strive to stay current with the seemingly liquid thing we call language. Sometimes it’s word usage and trends, but recently, attention has been given (and rightly so) to those words or terms that can be offensive or dismissive to certain people and/or groups.

The list below is by no means complete, but these are some of the online style guides you may find the…



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