3 Reasons Taking a Break From Writing is Good For You

Atanas Shorgov
The Book Mechanic
Published in
5 min readAug 15, 2020


Photo by Arthur Savary on Unsplash

I didn’t feel like writing for the last 3 months. Even though I greatly enjoy writing at times, I had enough of it for the time being. Do you ever get tired of writing?

Even if you love something, keep doing it long enough and you’ll start hating it. It’s a known phenomenon and many examples could be found with athletes, professionals, and generally people who are really good at something. Not that I’m good at writing.

As one of the legends in tennis, Andre Agassi, shares in his autobiography.

I play tennis for a living even though I hate tennis, hate it with a dark and secret passion and always have.

You could be amazing at a specific thing, but still hate it with your guts.

Therefore, I see the two options available. Keep writing until you burn out and start hating the whole writing process or take a break no matter how long when it’s necessary.

I know it’s hard to do that if it’s your profession, but for many of us, it’s just a side activity or a nice hobby. We shouldn’t be afraid or feel guilty when we’re not writing.

1. Prevent Mental Fatigue

