3 Underrated Habits That Can Make You a Better Writer

#3 Keeping up with the writing trends

Niyati Jain
The Book Mechanic


Photo by Darius Bashar on Unsplash

Lately, I began to monitor my routine closely and realized there were significant differences in it on the days when I write articles and the ones when I don’t. There were a few habits that I can particularly call as a part of my writing routine that helps me write better. They too help me avoid common problems which every writer faces at some point in their writing.

For example, when we have a great point in our mind in the process of developing our story and just after a few minutes we forget what it was. This situation can easily be avoided by jotting down the idea somewhere, the very instant we have it. We shall come back to this part in a later bit of the story.

Here are three such habits that can help you have a smooth writing experience.

Using browser extensions

Editing is a tedious task. At times it might end up taking hours to edit even a small story. Although most of us try to write flawlessly while writing the story, the flaws are clearly visible the instant we finish writing. Browser extensions such as Grammarly, Ginger, and Sapling always help in these cases. Just have them on in your browser when you sit to write and they will help you avoid some mistakes to…



Niyati Jain
The Book Mechanic

I try to write an in depth analysis of events happening all over the world ranging from politics to a brand's marketing strategies.