3 Ways to Leverage Your Medium Stories and Earn More Income

Your writing time is more valuable than you think

August Birch
The Book Mechanic


Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

Remember, when you write for Medium, you are the product. You are creating content (their entire business model) for free, in exchange for the carrot of a few pennies per future read.

You make the product first and maybe you will earn a little later.

This is good for Medium, but not always good for you… until you start leveraging your content. Medium is a great place for writers to earn a lot of money, but that income won’t likely come from the partner program.

The days of the partner program providing a good writing income for most writers, is gone. They have futzed with the algorithm so much, that only a few people per month will earn enough to make a living here (unlikely you or I).

So what can you do instead?

There are three ways to leverage your Medium stories, where you can earn a lot more income. These three reasons are the same reasons why I stay on the platform…



August Birch
The Book Mechanic

Blue-Collar Marketing Mentor for Writers and Creators | Get a copy of my free email strategy book, the Big 100 here: https://augustbirch.com/big100