7 Unbreakable Rules of Email Marketing for Writer-Creators

Number three is clutch

August Birch
The Book Mechanic


Photo by Jackson Simmer on Unsplash

I’d like to clear the air. There’s so much email advice flying around, I though it important to dispel the rumors and finally release the unbreakable rules of email.

Problem is, there aren’t any.

All email rules are made to be broken. Why? Because all of it works. Each strategy has its own merits for the right creator. There’s no one right way to write an email that sells your stuff — no matter if I or anyone else tells you to the contrary.

I have a certain way of doing things that works for me and my tribe. Maybe this way isn’t the right fit. But there are a lot of unbreakable rules people love to share that are totally breakable (and you should).

Let’s get into the seven unbreakable rules and I’ll explain…

Rule One- Your emails should be short:

I’ve heard this one a lot. Your readers have no attention span (yes, if you like to target people with no attention span, sure) and the only way you’ll sell your best work is to write pithy, tiny emails that only tell a hint of the whole picture.

My emails are stupid-long.



August Birch
The Book Mechanic

Blue-Collar Marketing Mentor for Writers and Creators | Get a copy of my free email strategy book, the Big 100 here: https://augustbirch.com/big100