A Stupid-Simple Email Marketing Plan for Indie Authors

August Birch
The Book Mechanic
Published in
4 min readMar 12, 2019


You know you need a list. Here’s how to start.

Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

As indies we’ve got a tough list of tasks. Not only are we chief, cook, and bottle-washer, but we’re also the head of marketing and sales… not to mention the writing part.

Every vocation has it’s tasks we’d prefer not do, but selling our books isn’t one we can ignore or push to a different day.

If we don’t sell our books we won’t have readers. If we don’t have readers we’re left with Mom and aunt Clara. Mom and aunt Clara don’t pay the heat bill. Let’s get you some readers instead.

Email is the answer.

Email isn’t the only answer. We’ve got multiple options when it comes to moving books, but most of the other choices involve paid ads. You’ll need to pay for advertising eventually, but before we move to advanced strategies, let’s get you the groundwork first.

When we own our email list we own our livelihood.

An automated email marketing plan gives you more time to write, while your email system does all the heavy lifting. I don’t know about you, but I don’t really enjoy talking to people in person. I’m an introvert. I keep my relationships very close. If I can put a sales plan in place that does all the personal interaction for me — sign me up.



August Birch
The Book Mechanic

Blue-Collar Marketing Mentor for Writers and Creators | Get a copy of my free email strategy book, the Big 100 here: https://augustbirch.com/big100