Become the Most-Popular Writer in Your Niche — Don’t Make this Mistake

Grow to the top of your niche while avoiding this common pitfall

August Birch
The Book Mechanic


Want to Be the Most-Popular Writer in Your Niche? Don’t Make this Mistake

Most of us want to be at the top of our respective niches. If you’re a commercial writer you’d probably do anything to get your work before millions of people.

We want our work to be as productive as possible — gaining attention and growing our audience with every word.

However, most of us get after it the hard way.

We choose popular genres, topics, niches, and trends. We chase the ‘top tens’ — like a dog to the ice cream truck. Social media doesn’t help the hamster wheel either. We see the fan numbers grow and want a piece of the action too.

All the scoring is baked into to system. The likes, follows, subs, and thumbs are all designed to give us a little dopamine squirt each time the bell dings. We see the top of the mountain and think ‘why not me?”

But the chasing mentality is just that — following the success of another.

Instead, we’ll take a different path. We’ll make our own luck. We won’t chase anymore. We’ll become the tollbooth instead of the toll-feeder. If a reader wants content like ours she must come to us to get it. The work won’t be available anywhere…



August Birch
The Book Mechanic

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