Enough Struggling To Find a Publisher, Do This Instead.

Stephanie Chizoba Odili
The Book Mechanic
Published in
3 min readAug 19, 2019


@webhost on Unsplash

I remember when I first wrote my novel in the summer of 2016. It was overwhelming and the beginning of my professional author journey. I had been doing my research for years and finally was ready to settle down and get this book out.

I was in my 3rd year in school when I met a woman (name withheld) who was invested and interested in youth development, human growth and producing art. She had been a source of career advisor and caterer to some other people and she was also ready to publish my newly written book. Like every other writer, I was excited. The thought of having someone ready to handle ‘me’, my book publishing, my PR, etc., was just amazing. With her guidance, I started with the outline of my book, with about 21 chapters and everything needed to be written. I had scheduled writing days and times to help me complete the book in about three months {I didn't initially keep to this until a friend motivated me to a writing challenge and I had the book written (first manuscript) and ready in two weeks—I hinted at it here.}

Long story short, from the summer of 2016 up until the launch of the book in April 2018, a lot of delays happened. It seemed like the woman wasn't taking the book or me seriously. I would call and try to follow up on when we would meet so that we can speed up the process. We had different and numerous…

