Getting Started Writing Articles

Complete 12 steps, one at a time, and you’ll acquire this valuable writing skill

Kathy Widenhouse
The Book Mechanic


Image courtesy of Word Wise at Nonprofit Copywriter

My first writing course taught me how to write an article and break into print. Back then, the internet was still fairly new. Magazines were one of the main avenues to accumulating clips and experience. Many freelance writers got their start by writing feature articles for trade and consumer publications — myself included.

Plus, learning how to write an article yielded more than bylines. I’ve been able to apply those skills as I write other kinds of content. Some project-specific details vary, but the principles are the same.

For instance, when I learned how to write an article, I learned the basics for writing a blog post. I learned how to gather facts, anecdotes, quotes, and stories to write a research paper or an essay. I even learned in large part, how to write a book.

This set of 12 tips outlines how to write an article. Complete each step, one at a time, and you’ll acquire those skills. Plus, you’ll have completed an article that you can submit to a magazine or blog or publish on LinkedIn, Medium, or another article sharing platform.

How to write an article: take these 12 steps



Kathy Widenhouse
The Book Mechanic

Award-winning writer Kathy Widenhouse has written 9 books and garnered 600K+ views for her writing tutorials, which you can get at