How One Creator Earns More, Using a Sneaky, Little ‘Brain Trick’

Keep them coming back for more…

August Birch
The Book Mechanic


Photo by Mike Tinnion on Unsplash

Maybe you can relate — I’ve got this terrible obsession with office supplies. In the fancier days of yore, you might call these stationary accoutrements. I’ve got notebooks coming out of my eyeballs. And every time I got to a store, somehow I find myself wandering the notebook section.

I literally own more notebooks than I can fill in a lifetime, yet I keep buying more. I mean, if you know you know…

So, here you are. You want to earn more from your creative work. You’ve got all these supplies. And you want to turn your craft into your life’s work.

There’s a little psychology trick you can use if you’d like to accelerate the process.

This is the same strategy I used to build a six-figure publishing business in 110+ different countries, and I do most of the daily operations from my pocket.


The strategy is ‘identity.’

We’re all on an internal mission to either change our identity (i.e., reach our full potential), or live a life more congruent with the person we wish to be.

This means, in your content, your emails, and even your products, the more you can connect with the people…



August Birch
The Book Mechanic

Blue-Collar Marketing Mentor for Writers and Creators | Get a copy of my free email strategy book, the Big 100 here: