How to Be Creative Later in Life

Malinee Kaewnetr
The Book Mechanic
Published in
3 min readAug 19, 2020
Photo by Ameen Fahmy on Unsplash

When you talk about creativity, you imply creativity in youth. For some reasons, creativity mostly means youthful creativities. Not so many people mention how to be creative later in life. In your old age, it’s as if there were more physical, mental diseases to be worried about. It’s like older people don’t care about being creative any more. Is creativity luxurious or redundant in old age? I wonder if it’s true that people should stop being creative at a certain age.

It seems like creativity blooms best at the beginning period of life. You teach young kids to be creative, but you expect wisdom ad hindsight from your senior ones. As a matter of fact, you have to learn to be creative at all periods of life as long as you’re human. Creativity implies you are alive and most in love and grateful with your life. Take away creativity, you take away people’s reason for living. I confirm people can be creative at all stages of their life.

But you might wonder what makes it difficult for older people to be creative. The declining of your body and brain must be to blame for the degeneration of creativity. However, many recent scientific studies show that some old brains don’t get old like their bodies. Especially, the brains of those who exercise their faculty rigorously and actively.

The senior citizens’ disinterested mindset destroys their own creativity. The feeling that everything has come to an end, so there’s no point looking at old things with “new” eyes. “New” is the problematic words for people who spend a great deal of time on this blue planet. And creativity seems to have everything to do with making things new and innovative.

We come to the flux of the problem here.

I believe being creative should be possible at old age or any age. Taking away their creativity or telling them to stop being creative is like taking away their joy of life and their reason for living.

Creativity doesn’t necessarily have to do with physical aspects of life. Creativity is the mindset. And old age is the mindset. You can always find something “new” and interesting even at the age when your body declines. Thinking of it the other way around. Being creative, on the other hand can rejuvenate you in both your brain and your body. By practicing creativity, you become younger every day despite your increasing age.

Being grateful for your life, you are enthusiastic about it. It’s like the Japanese IKIGAI. You emerge from the state of apathy in life. No more inertia. You are eager to get up each morning because you can’t wait to look at the world with “new” outlook on life. There’s something new waiting for you each morning you wake up. Without this, young people can be old. With this, old people can be young. How wonderful life can be!

In conclusion, creativity belongs to all ages. Not only can young people look at the world with “new” eyes. If you keep your spirit young, “new” can work well with wisdom mindset. Nothing can beat that. Creativity generates creativity, which in turn generates youth. However old you are, you are always young as long as you are creative.

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Malinee Kaewnetr
The Book Mechanic

Reader. Writer.Translator. Movie buff. Lifelong learner.