How to Endure Your Daily Writing Practice Until You Get Noticed

Creative success comes from inside

August Birch
The Book Mechanic


Photo by Bonnie Kittle on Unsplash

While I struggle daily to live within its principles, I’m a student of stoicism. One of the core tenets of stoicism is endurance.

While we have no control over the world around us, we do have the ability to control our reactions.

To an outsider, writing look romantic and exciting. Maybe even easy, compared to mental melting brain surgery or the broken backs of ditch-digging.

But for those of us who’ve written more than thirty minutes, we know this isn’t so.

Writing — specifically commercial writing, where we write not for ourselves, but others — is both a total pleasure and huge pain.

Good writing sits with us and occupies our thoughts at all times.

When we can’t solve a writing problem, or a ‘great idea’ doesn’t resonate with the people we serve — it can be deflating to our ego.

This is the moment of endurance.

Writing is the easiest vocation to quit:

  • The cost of entry is zero (all you need is paper and a pen)
  • To quit you put the pen down
  • No one may know you started



August Birch
The Book Mechanic

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