How to Finish Writing Your Story, Even if You Feel Shame, Fear, or Doubt

August Birch
The Book Mechanic
Published in
7 min readSep 4, 2019


Why 97% of all writing obstacles live inside our ‘author’s mind’

Photo by Scott Jackson on Unsplash

Writing is a personal journey. Although the end-result of our work is destined to be consumed by the masses, the process of getting to said end result is a ton of internal work.

We must overcome our personal demons.

We must learn what we don’t know about writing, so we can get better than where we are now. Although it’s important we learn what we don’t know after we start writing, not before.

We must learn to work with self-sabotage, impostor syndrome, and shame.

In short, not only do we have to come up with a story our readers want to read, but we’ve got to fight ourselves in the process.

In my work in neuroscience I’ve found the human mind will do anything to prevent us from trying something new. The brain is in the business of energy conservation.

The old habits worked. Old habits are hard-wired and automatic. New behaviors and new journeys (like writing) require a lot more mental calories and cognitive effort.

Your brain does not want you to become a writer.

Crazy, eh?



August Birch
The Book Mechanic

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