How to Stay Sane During Covid 19 Pandemic

Malinee Kaewnetr
The Book Mechanic
Published in
4 min readMar 16, 2020
Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

The world becomes one under the widespread of Covid 19. All news channels, local or abroad, show a picture of a crowd of people bundled up with masks all over their faces when they go out. If they have no business to go out, they choose to stay home.

A lot of people, I included, choose to hibernate at home. We don’t know yet when the pandemic will die down, and the situation will become normal.

Instead of being stressed out at home, you should take advantage of this crisis doing many things you always wanted to do but never have time to stay sane and happy during the pandemic.

Practice meditation and mindfulness

Meditation helps you to be mindful of the inner you and your environment. It brings peace to those who practice. It is a good antidote to stress from going through the Covid 19.

Read the books you always wanted to read

Reading is the great escape from reality. However, reading is not a kind of escapism from the real world. Reading gives you reprieve from the stressed-out environment to come back to the real world equipped with knowledge and understanding. Try reading and by the time the pandemic is over, you will have finished a pile of books you’ve been hoarding for so long.

Write to your heart’s content

For writers, freelance or full-time, I understand during normal time you face a lot of distractions. Now is the time to write with focus as much as you want. Turn a crisis into an opportunity. Take this opportunity to stay home hibernating away from the pandemic to write to your heart’s content.

Not only is writing a great escape, but it’s also a great confrontation with reality. Writing helps you to analyze in-depth what happens around you at the moment. It gives you peace of mind and a deeper understanding of the situation.

Learn the skills you always wanted to learn

No other opportunity is greater than now to pick up and practice any skills you always wanted to do. Some might want to learn how to sing, how to play a musical instrument, how to play chess.

Others might want to learn a new language or brush up your knowledge of some software skills such as Word or Excel. We live in a great age of long-distance learning. Thanks to the internet. Many courses wait for you to master, both free and paid.

Cementing relationship with friends and loved ones

In a normal situation, you might take for granted a lot of precious things in life such as your loved ones or friends. Your hectic schedule leaves you no time for such little wonders in life.

The relationship takes time to build but takes so little time to destroy. Since you go through the pandemic together, why don’t you take this opportunity to establish bondage and solidarity with your loved ones.

Pay love and attention to them. Give a call and pick up the pieces where you left off with long-lost relatives and friends. Reconciliation is easier during the time of crisis.

Time for world collaboration and mutual learning

If you are too antsy to meditate, to read or to write, you might glue yourself to the screen to see how the pandemic is going. I hope the news won’t make you more panicky. I see it as the best time to learn how each country deals with the crisis and to learn the leadership skills of many world leaders.

Thinking this way, you might see the pandemic as a classroom to learn about the world, be it technology or human nature.

What a great time to be in! Without a crisis, you miss many precious things.

Time for empathy

Not so often you will see the world become one. You are mere vulnerable human beings. It doesn’t matter whether you are Korean, Chinese, Italian, American or Thai. You all have equal chances to , unfortunately, fall victime to the pandemic.

No matter what beliefs you hold, it’s time to pray for our friends all over the world. It’s time for solidarity, not competition. It’s time the word reach out and help one another. It’s time for empathy.

Thank you for reading.

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Malinee Kaewnetr
The Book Mechanic

Reader. Writer.Translator. Movie buff. Lifelong learner.