How to Engage Your Subconscious Mind to Solve Your Toughest Problems

A strategy used by the most-creative people in history

August Birch
The Book Mechanic


Engage Your Subconscious Mind to Solve Tough Problems

Your brain operates on two different levels — your conscious and subconscious. Now, these aren’t two separate brains, or hidden doors somewhere in our heads. The two minds are the way we process information. They both have critical jobs and we can’t function without either working in concert with the other.

The conscious mind works on the simple, day-to-day tasks, while the subconscious does the heavy-lifting and deep-work.

Your conscious mind runs your direct life before you. This part of your brain can only focus on one task at a time. The conscious mind uses a small percentage of our brain power, around 10%, with the other 90% of the processing power dedicated to our subconscious.

Your conscious brain controls:

  • Willpower
  • Short term memory
  • Logical thinking
  • Critical thinking

Your subconscious (or unconscious) brain controls:

  • Beliefs
  • Emotions
  • Habits
  • Values
  • Protective Reactions



August Birch
The Book Mechanic

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