‘I Am A Writer'

Three reasons you should say it more often

Hamna Labeeb
The Book Mechanic


Photo by Dustin Lee on Unsplash

Let’s face it. There are more writers in this world who shy away from calling themselves a ‘writer’ than those who happily and confidently do. And then there are wannabe writers who not only stand on the fringes when it comes to the title of ‘writer’ but also feel dubious, if not a little envious or bitter about why and how other writers refer to themselves as writers. The matter is pretty simple — if you write and you love it, that’s what you are — a writer!

Most writers start out with an abundance of self-doubt. This is inevitable as writers. But how we get over it is important. We have to write through it. When I began writing at thirteen, I certainly did not call myself a writer. I did not call myself a writer well until I had my first book published. But then, no one asked me if I was a writer. I was either called one by my friends who knew about my writing or never asked. However, I know one thing for sure — if ever I were asked, I wouldn’t have shied away from saying, “I am a writer.”

The matter is pretty simple — if you write and you love it, that’s what you are — a writer!

Because, it is important! If you are a writer and if you want to be a good one, the very first step you take, apart from writing…

