Medium Writers — Leave a Little Bit of Your Message to Mystery

Why our strange brains want your open loops and mind tricks

August Birch
The Book Mechanic


Photo by 𝓴𝓘𝓡𝓚 𝕝𝔸𝕀 on Unsplash

While the latest, so-called ‘clickbait’ rules have sent many Medium writers freaking-out and over the fences, I recommend you take the back-road.

Instead of work so hard to comply with a bland approach to content, with article titles that do little more than force the reader to make a yes/no decision — it’s time to add some mystery.

If you’ve written copy for any length of time you understand the power of intrigue.

Our brains are obsessed with curiosity and open-ended questions. We get this little antenna-pop in our subconscious and it makes us itchy to have open-ended loops.

Think of the last time you couldn’t remember what’s-his-name.

That brain-lapse probably drove you half-mad. When a loop is open we feel compelled to close it. When a question is asked we feel compelled to answer it. When we don’t know the answer we feel compelled to find out.

All this nonsense is baked-in to our hard-wiring.

And for good reason. These evolutionary tidbits keep us striving for more, asking more questions of our world, doing our best to improve our work, and eventually tweaking…



August Birch
The Book Mechanic

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