Medium Writers, Why Your Niche Matters — A Lot

Not all readers carry equal weight

August Birch
The Book Mechanic


Photo by Michael Dziedzic on Unsplash

A few days ago I opened my email to a heartfelt reply from a desperate writer. This writer felt she tried everything, writing for months on Medium, only to find the new changes to the app and homepage, only to make her earnings worse.

The writer was a poet.

Her poetry was short. The reads rarely counted, because the entire poem was listed in the story summary. She was angry and frustrated at Medium — feeling it worked against her, no matter how hard she tried to push-forward.

Unfortunately, this writer will likely never do well on Medium.

Not all categories here will do well. For example, I don’t see a huge excitement for anything fictional here. Yes, there are plenty of fiction writers and poets on Medium, but not the readership to support them financially.

Most of the top fiction stories are nonfiction review-type stories.

My point? Your Medium niche matters a lot. You can spend many hours of your life writing here, but if you choose an empty room, you’ll have a near-impossible time of finding success here.

We’ve got to plant our writing where the readers hang-out.



August Birch
The Book Mechanic

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