Never Give Up Without A Fight

The day I stepped away from writing (this would be almost 7 years ago) it was with the deliberate intention of never putting another word on paper.

The Book Mechanic


Photo by Jeremy Perkins on Unsplash

I was fed up with the stops and starts, the mixed advice, the ‘almost were’ projects, the half-finished manuscripts and my own sense of ennui. It felt like there was never enough time to write. And the worst part was — I convinced myself that writing was a frivolous waste of the time.

Somehow I got the idea I should spend every waking moment building servers or learning Cisco networking or studying for certification tests or, well, anything other than writing. Doing those tasks was more ‘real’ than writing could ever be…

It was a difficult and fairly negative time for me. I’ve read enough from other writers to know that many of us have gone through even worse while building their careers. I mean, let’s be honest, there are more reasons not to write than there are reasons to write.

Most ‘reasons’ are excuses. Some are legit.

A legitimate reason would be losing a job or a true family crisis. My experience tells me anything else is doubt masquerading as purpose.



The Book Mechanic

I’ve been writing on and off all my life. A few years ago I finally ran out of excuses not to write and here we are.