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The Book Mechanic
The Book Mechanic
Down-and-dirty growth strategies for commercial writers and creators, with a blue collar work ethic, and a no-nonsense voice.
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More, on Medium

Two steps to more Medium income


I just published this story about earning more with Medium.

If you want to grow your creative practice without relying on the partner program for your writing income, this story will help.

Re: The name of your product


I just published this story about product names.

The name of your offer is very important. You only have a couple seconds to get your reader’s attention and sometimes your product name is the only line of…

Are you part of the solution?


I just published this story.

If you want more from your creative work, it’s time to focus on being less of ‘the product’ and more of a ‘producer.’ Here, I’ll explain the difference and what you’ll need to do to overcome…