The Horrific Danger of Daily, Repetitive, Creative Screen-Work

I.e. how not to melt your mind

August Birch
The Book Mechanic


Photo by Natasha Connell on Unsplash

The experiment is just getting started.

With more people working remotely, and many never returning to an office environment — if we thought we had a lot of screen time before, ‘we ain’t seen nothing yet.’

Repetitive days will ruin your creative mind.

As creatives, the very tool we need to do our best work is also the same tool that prevents us from doing the work. And I don’t mean to sound like a dog-tail-chasing. I’ll explain.

I spend all day in front of a screen, whether it’s a desktop, laptop, phone, or iPad. There’s a screen nearby and it’s glued to my face. Maybe your face has a similar growth.

With meetings and face-to-face anything over the past year, becoming obsolete, each day looks a lot like yesterday. And the day before. So much so, that I have a hard time remembering what I did beyond yesterday.

Starting at the beginning of 2020 I began keeping a five-year journal.

This is a book with five years on each page, for a single date. You get room for one small paragraph per day. As you finish the year and loop-around you can see what happened on that date a year ago, two, three, five years ago.



August Birch
The Book Mechanic

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