The Final Medium Story Push of 2021

The one writing habit to crush your 2022

August Birch
The Book Mechanic


Photo by Robert Katzki on Unsplash

If we learned anything in 2021, it’s that the Medium algorithm likes a good tickle. And the best way to tickle it is to publish daily.

The cool thing is you don’t have to publish full stories to give the old algorithm its daily tickle. I’ve found short-form stories do the job just fine.

So, if you’re pressed for time, go short. If you want to earn more from the partner program, get that long-form content in the mix.

But that’s not the best part…

Publishing daily also gets you more eyeball juice for your old content. Lately, my older stories are the ones that Medium serves more-often, but it appears to require daily, new content in order for the privilege of keeping old content alive.

If you have a thousand-plus old stories in your inventory like I do, publishing daily will keep a lot more of that content alive.

Medium wants you to stay active here.



August Birch
The Book Mechanic

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