The Foolproof Writing Plan for Prolific Indie Authors

August Birch
The Book Mechanic
Published in
6 min readApr 4, 2019


How to use the ‘inside-out’ self publishing plan to hit your writing goals

Writers: How to Establish Your Inside-Out Publishing Plan for the Year

As writers we all jazzed every year to produce better/more work than last year. We set goals. We self-motivate. We use forward thinking and envision the end-results of our new publishing feats.

However, the daily act of writing, like the novel itself — if we don’t know how the story ends we’ll never get there.

Whether you self-publish fiction or non, if you’re an indie author you may benefit from an ‘inside-out’ publishing plan. This isn’t a new idea. I didn’t invent it. Once I explain the method it will seem intuitive.

The method is at a ‘duh’ level, yet it will help you finish more books consistently.

As with a race, we can’t just run once the starting gun fires. Maybe the race is 100 Meters. Maybe the race is an ultra-marathon at 150 miles. Your pace will be wildly different between the two. If we don’t run with a pace congruent with the race we want to run, we’ll either burn out before the finish line, or we’ll go too slow and the race will end without us.

If we write with an ambiguous idea of the endgame we’ll get ambiguous results once we get there.



August Birch
The Book Mechanic

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