The ‘Garage Sale’ Test to Boost Your Income for Your Info Product Biz

A simple survey is all you need…

August Birch
The Book Mechanic


Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

I love myself a good garage sale. My family cleans out the basement and we have a sale once every couple years. Amazing how easy it is to accumulate more stuff.

And, over the course of running dozens of garage sales throughout my life, there’s a simple test you can apply to your info product business as well.

The Garage Sale Test

So there I am, standing the driveway with my hands on my hips, like Superman, observing the vast bounty before me.

My mind starts to wander, thinking of all that cash and what I could spend it on…

What if we made $1,000 this weekend?

What if we made $2,000?

I start spending the money in my head before we get a single customer. And I’m willing to bet you might do the same thing with your information business.



August Birch
The Book Mechanic

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