The Number-One Internal Motivation Secret All Creators Need Right Now

…and it comes from the classic, ‘Who Moved My Cheese?’

August Birch
The Book Mechanic


Photo by Katrin Leinfellner on Unsplash

This morning I started and finished the classic personal growth parable, Who Moved My Cheese? At the end of the book there’s a little interview with the author, Dr. Spencer Johnson, where he shared the number-one, most-highlighted lesson, where everyone he meets asks him to sign this one page.

What would you do if you weren’t afraid?

This lesson hit me where I needed it today, because I’m about to launch a new course and I’m in the middle of a full-blown impostor syndrome attack.

If you create anything work making, you’ll feel this too.

Questions of self-worth, skill, and whether or not you deserve to play in the same sandbox as the others, are quick reminders you’re on the right path. But that doesn’t make it easier.

When you bring new ideas, creative work, products, or anything into the world, there’s the moment of terror before we press ‘publish,’ or whatever big, red nuclear button sits on your desk.

This little parable was exactly what I needed this morning.



August Birch
The Book Mechanic

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