The Stupid-Simple, Little Web Page That Covers My Mortgage

Without the need to build a new product or run ads of any kind…

August Birch
The Book Mechanic


Photo by Dan Meyers on Unsplash

I estimate I’ve lost about $100,000 between the ‘darkness’ period where I didn’t know this strategy, and the time I finally discovered and implemented it.

…maybe you can lose less than I did.

If you’ve got an email list (and I hope you do), you also have this baked-in, dusty, crusty, canned page that comes with your email service provider (ESP).

Depending on the ESP, some call it a ‘success’ page, some call it a ‘thank you’ page, and some call it other names.

The ‘thank you’ page, for most creators, is a dead end. A new subscriber joins your email list and they’re sent to this boring, stale page that says, “Thanks for subscribing. Go check your email for details.” …or something similar.

Your thank you page is a goldmine of additional income.

Here, you’ve got a captive audience with 100% click-through (every new subscriber is taken to the thank you page). And once I learned it’s secret, I’ve turned my thank you pages into additional income streams that cover my living expenses automatically.



August Birch
The Book Mechanic

Blue-Collar Marketing Mentor for Writers and Creators | Get a copy of my free email strategy book, the Big 100 here: