What Goes on a Back Cover of a Book?

Back-of-the-book content moves readers place your book on their Must-Read list

Kathy Widenhouse
The Book Mechanic


Image courtesy of Word Wise at Nonprofit Copywriter

What goes on the back cover of a book? I’m not talking about design. Both the front and back cover of a book need quality graphics and typography to pull in readers.

And when it comes to look and feel, the front and back cover of a book should complement one other. Hexadecimal color codes or serif fonts versus sans serif fonts are important considerations. But all that artistic mumbo-jumbo lands smack in a designer’s arena.

But what about the content on the back cover of a book? Clearly, it’s important. You’ve seen the scenario dozens of times in a bookstore or library. A reader plucks a book from the shelf and scans the cover. Intrigued, she flips it over to read more on the back. Now, she’s truly interested. So much so that she opens the book to inspect the table of contents …

“The front cover gets them interested,” says Tucker Max, 4-time NYT best-selling author. “Then the back cover helps the reader decide whether or not they want to go any further.” You want to help that decision in your favor, don’t you?

Four pieces of content grace the back cover of a book. How you write yours helps readers step over the line and decide, “Yes! I most certainly…



Kathy Widenhouse
The Book Mechanic

Award-winning writer Kathy Widenhouse has written 9 books and garnered 600K+ views for her writing tutorials, which you can get at www.nonprofitcopywriter.com.